Howard Frank, Bigot, Sinner (

In the Sunday Pocono Record article, on Sunday, March 2, 2014, Howard Frank demonstrated an uncanny ability in twisting truth to make evil sound good, in his columned article entitled, “US wages holy war on LGBTs”.
Just when did rescuing Christians from being FORCED to ENDORSE Sin become “waging holy war”?
When did defending Religious Freedom become “evil” to you Howard? I expected the Rapture to occur at ANY MOMENT after reading your illogical interpretation of Arizona’s attemptebill to ensure religious freedom protections for everyone. Isn’t that equality Howard?
It truly has grieved me how anti-Christ the USA has become. Christians cannot even SPEAK in many public access areas without some impossible-to-get-permit; We get ARRESTED if we upset someone with the truth of their evil! All while Muslims rant in the streets of Michigan for Sharia Law, deviates have sex in front of children in Californian deviate pride parades, and parents murder their children to the tune of 53 MILLION Americans since 1973, in nice sanitary E-V-I-L clinics. And all this wickedness is done under the twisted interpretations of our freedoms.
So, let me get this straight, Howard, you think it would be “enlightened” for Government to, say, FORCE, under penalty of law now, an American black owned t-shirt company to make racial slurring t-shirts for the KKK? How happy would you be for a Law that would make it a crime for Jews to deny service to neo-Nazi, swastika wearing, foul-mouthed punks in their restaurants? Last I checked E V E R Y restaurant in the USA has the “right of refusal”, the right to deny service to anyone they choose BECAUSE it is a private business! Many have signs stating that very fact!
No, Howard, the REASON Arizona passed a bill to protect rights of Christians is BECAUSE it has become all-too-popular in this country to deny us the same protections under the law as EVERYONE ELSE. Homosexual bakers in San Francisco have EVERY RIGHT to refuse to make cakes for Christians, if they choose to, RIGHT? Your logic is SERIOUSLY FLAWED, Frank. Law cannot be used to pick and choose who it will protect and whom it will not: ALL IN or ALL OUT. If you have a business and you don’t want to provide services to someone it’s your own pocket it will hurt; Every business owner has the “right of refusal”, EQUALLY.
What, will you now want “Human Rights” councils to “interpret” our laws like they do in England, FINING Pastors for telling homosexuals how their sin will send them to Hell if they don’t repent? What happens when YOU get ousted, when YOU get targeted because YOU are not with the ‘IN’ crowd? I bet you’ll yell loudly THEN won’t you Howard Frank?

The direction you want to take us leads to totalitarianism

But you know, Howard, you DO sound like you’d fit right into Putin’s Russia, what with his latest military interpretation of Kiev’s brave citizens throwing out yet another murderous Dictator. Vladimir Putin claimed he had the RIGHT to INVADE Ukraine today just because some of them speak Russian! Seriously, Vlad, that was your BEST argument? And here our gutless President just wagged his tongue at him.
Seriously, Howard, YOUR best argument for why Christians should bake a cake for sexual deviate occasions is “equality”? Really? Well, then, I have a question…

Would you consider yourself to be a good person? Are you good enough to go to Heaven, Howard? (see

I hope you take a good, hard, H O N E S T, look at yourself in God’s mirror, His Law, in Exodus 20. See who you REALLY are by the Ten Commandments. I pray you will realize you are NOT a good person Howard. If you have lied (like you did in that article); if you have stolen; if you have even lusted once, which Jesus calls adultery of the heart, then you are like all the rest of us: YOU, Howard Frank, are a sinner in need of saving.

How’s that for “equality”?

You are LOST, Howard, just like I was. And when you stand before God on Judgment Day, guilty, should you die still in your sins, knowing you have violated God’s Law, where do you think you will go, Heaven or Hell? What do you think you deserve Howard?
For you, Howard, and for anyone else reading this who needs to be rescued from what we ALL so Justly deserve, come and evaluate yourself further at our Good Person test site, and then do what the One and ONLY God says in His Bible you MUST do…

Go to and see yourself in Truth, the Way God sees you…

150,000 people die every day, 2 every second.
How many do you think were right with God when they died today?

Are you, Howard Frank, right with God?
Howard, the REASON you misunderstood Arizona’s bill to protect the Freedoms of Christians is because you are still in your sins. Jesus desires to rescue you, but, you must come to Him. I pray you will, soon; Our time here may soon be over.

Patrick Burwell
Director Ministries