Hitting the Target

While my wife and older son were at the craft store my little boy and I enjoyed the sweltering 94F+ heat last week tracting a local Target® store and reminding shoppers Target is now Tar-Gay with their financial support of nationwide sexual deviate marriage legislation.

“Target has pledged $120,000 in cash to promote the legalization of homosexual marriage.

Target’s website says it will donate 100% of T-shirt sales from customers during the month of June to Family Equality Council.

You can see Target’s promise to homosexuals here (Target’s actual webpage here).”

-from AFA.net.

And now JC Penny too???

I find it revolting stores like TarGay feel the need to oppose God so blatantly. Can’t they just be neutral like McDonald’s? It makes no sense to advocate for less than 1% of the population to risk angering 95%. It seems a no-brainer but I suspect the Starbucks® in their stores and the latest foolish comments of our President has had something to do with their rather dumb decision.

Anyway, while we were there I got to speak to a young lady named Evelyn and walk her through the Good Person test found at http://HowWillYouDo.org She claimed to be a good person yet readily admitted her sins when faced with the Ten Commandments. but, as many do, she looked for an out as soon as she could. Evelyn had mentioned she was waiting for a cab so I reminded her 150,000 people, two every second, die every day. And seeing cab drivers aren’t known to be safe I asked her whether she would be guilty should she not live through the cab ride. But just as I got to the point of the Gospel the cab pulled up. So I made sure she had a Gospel tract and let her run to her ride considering her impending Judgment.

So, how will YOU do if you die in your sins? Have you ever lied? Take the test and make sure you are ready to face God, because, as I said to Evelyn, you will face Jesus one Day and then you will have no opportunity to repent, it will be too late for you. You will be like the rich man who cried out to Lazarus to cool his tongue with some water because of his torment. Face the truth TODAY, and don’t spend Eternity in the same regret as the rich man, be like Lazarus and trust in the Messiah, go to http://www.HowWillYouDo.org

If you want Tar”Gay” to hear what you think of their advocating sin then go “hit” your own Target store and hand out tracts like we did.

And if you want TarGay to return to just being Target then TAKE ACTION

Send an email to Target Chairman Gregg Steinhafel and Let him know that a majority of Americans oppose same-sex marriage and are able to use their pocketbooks to voice their opposition to companies that support it.

You can also call Target’s corporate office and share your personal thoughts.
The number is 612-304-6073, option 6.

But whatever you chose to do, be sure you are right with Jesus, GO AND TELL EVERYONE YOU CAN, and do it Biblically, the Way Jesus did, the Way of the Master.

Patrick and Joyce Burwell
OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministries