Missing Home
Been there, done that, got that t-shirt!

I know what that’s like; that terrible yearning loneliness, even while you are among friends. When you miss your family on these holidays you can feel like a heavy blanket is being wrapped around you.
But there is Good news: Jesus loves you.
You there, feeling that ache for home, deployed to protect America’s interests, let me tell you what will ease the pain: Service. Serve those around you unreservedly, show your host country the compassion and care of the American people.
Thank God for what you have, bless those around you, and the heartache you were feeling will turn to Peace and Joy for the opportunity you have been given.
And, thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for being there for my family.
And if you are a service man or woman and do not yet know Jesus as Savior, let me encourage you today to get right with God, while you still can.
Go to www.HowWillYouDo.org and take the eval that will show you your need, what you must do and who cares for you.
There is no greater MOS than Child of God.
Thank you, again, for your service; May you also serve Yahweh as diligently.
Patrick Burwell, Response@OnlyJesusSaves.com
P.s. Write me if you need to talk, I am here for you.