I had an interesting conversation at Burger King, in Wind Gap, PA
yesterday, with some young men about to go into the Naval Academy (boo, hiss).
One of them had a “Fear the Goat” saying on his shirt so I asked him what that meant. And, as we got to talking about my West Point Dad, and as a spring board to the Gospel, I used Dad’s belief in evolution and the big bang to show how ridiculous even someone as smart as he is, someone with TWO PHDs and a West Point diploma, can believe something comes from nothing, even if there are “millions of years” the evolutionists believe occurred. The Bible says otherwise.
I said to them, “…How ridiculous is that? How can anyone believe a huge explosion created anything but destruction?” I pointed out how illogical such an idea is by asking how long they would have to wait before a big explosion in a junk yard created a 747? They smiled at that and I said something like,
“And yet we believe an explosion ‘created’ something MUCH more complex like Life?
I gave each our OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministry contact card, which has the Gospel on the back. I then told them to think hard about what we had discussed. One of them remarked how it’s something he had never given serious thought to before, but that he would now, and then he thanked me.
I walked away with our food as they were reading…
Pray for these young men to have the revelation of Jesus BEFORE they get indoctrinated by the atheism of the Naval Academy, where they teach evolution and the lie of millions of years, in DIRECT CONTRAINDICATION of the Bible and the Gospel of Jesus the Messiah.
In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.
Don’t let anyone lie to you about who you are, who God is and what he expects of you.
Because, one day, you will face Him and have to answer to Him personally about everthing you have ever done, ever said or even thought. He is a good God but He is also Holy and Just and the Bible says all liars will have their place in the Eternal Lake of Fire.
So, have YOU ever lied?
The Bible says there is no one who does good, that all of us will be guilty before Jesus on Judgment Day. The Bible says it’s appointed to every man to die and then they are Judged. There is no waiting, no purgatory, no line. And 150,000 people die every day. That’s 2 people every second of every hour of every day. Today could be your moment to face God; you never know when your time will come.
<— He didn’t…
We don’t want you to come to Jesus from fear but out of gratitude that God would save you, you who don’t deserve forgiveness.
Remember, you are just like the rest of us.
So take the Good Person Test at HowWillYouDo.org and embrace God’s love for you TODAY, while you still can…
“for he says, ‘At an acceptable time I listened to you, in a day of salvation I helped you.’ Behold, now is the acceptable time. Behold, now is the day of salvation.” 2 Corinthians 6:2 (WEB)
Patrick Burwell