Fight Summer Hunger in America!


Dear Reader,

Imagine for a moment the feeling of hunger

the emptiness, the pain, the need

Now imagine the joy and excitement of your most memorable childhood summer spoiled by hunger.

For millions of children from struggling American families, summer vacation means an end to their free and reduced cost school lunches. The promise of regular meals is months away.

But there is hope. You can provide a hungry child with the food he needs today!

Today I am asking you to help as many children and families as you can. Each $12 you send now will provide a Food Pak.

Help as many families as you can!
$24 will help 2 families.
$48 will help 4 families.
$120 delivers hope to 10 families!
Your generosity will mean full stomachs during the summer months, when kids don’t have the option of a free or reduced-cost school meal.
6-7-2013 3-07-10 PM
For the children we serve,

Dave Phillips
President, Children’s Hunger Fund