Author: Ministry Authors of
Clayton Jennings: Go to Jesus First
Well done Clay… Jesus never leaves us or forsakes us. Pray often, pray first, pray always. But be sure your prayer is to the Biblical Jesus.
RC Pope saying God made deviates that way is a heinous Sin
This Pope clearly has lost his mind. Any attempts of anyone to show him his error only seems to provoke more error on his part. Will he eventually be the one to declare the AntiChrist to be God’s Messiah, another unforgivable crime? To claim God…
When Richard Dawkins said to Mock Religion With Contempt he spoke of me… I was there when he said that…
This “Rally for Reason” was in Washington DC and my son Ryan and I were there holding up the Cross that says “Are You Ready?”, handing out Gospel tracts and preaching the Gospel, and not one person attempted to mock me with contempt during Dawkins’…
Ravi Zacharias Declares Only Jesus Saves!
Memorial Day 2018
God bless Brave men like my dad who volunteered to fight communism in Vietnam TWICE, only to see a deviate communist elected President of the United States of America TWICE. The USA had gone the wrong way, and I thought she was gone forever, but…
Watch “Dr. Kent Hovind: Lies in the textbooks on 5-15-18” on YouTube
The clear definition of Biblical kinds and how we are all being lied to in our school textbooks.