“I had to catch myself… realize I had the wrong mindset”
So now we have to have a proper mindset Arsenio? Since when is sexual deviance an accepted norm to Christians? Last I checked, Arsenio, God calls homosexual acts an abomination. What, you want us to accept Sin and tell God He’s wrong? LOL! You must be JOKING!
No, Arsenio, what you should have done is stopped Aiken in his tracks when he dared to claim his particular kind of sin should be treated as a civilly protected right the same as being Black or disabled is. You should have gotten truly offended by his claim that all those decades of civil rights struggle were anything close to the same as what sexual deviates are foisting upon society today! Man this is Rome all over again! Sodom and Ghomorrah! Is THAT what you are agreeing to Arsenio Hall?
No, sadly, what your comments DO show clearly is either how lost you are, or that you are in sin. So I only have one question for you now…
Will you let me come on your show and publicly question you about this stance you just took?

On the “Arsenio Hall Show” today Clay Aiken was using a picture of Si Robertson from the show “Duck Dynasty” as an example of people making “homophobic comments”. He alluded to the idea that because Si didn’t grow up in a “diverse background” (meaning San Francisco?) he was too ignorant to know better. What arrogance! And Yes, Clay, Si DOES HAVE A RIGHT to his free speech no matter HOW OFFENSIVE! Who are YOU to claim otherwise?! Your attempts to make sexual deviance a civil right akin to being Black or disabled offends IMMENSELY! Unless, of course, you agree sexual deviance is a mental illness, then I might agree that none have a right to treat you differently for your “sickness” – and I would also advocate for your treatment right away! (Jesus can save you Clay. If he can save me He can save you.)
No, Arsenio Hall, Christians do not claim to be ok with “homosexual” deviance any more than they are ok with any other sexual sin. You must repent, or turn your back on Jesus entirely to say homosexuality is right. Sex outside of marriage, treating women as objects, polygamy, bestiality: none of these are ok with Christians because they are not “ok” with God! When was the last time you READ the Bible Arsenio?
Yes, we do all struggle with lust. Any man who claims he does not have a battle with lust is lying to you – or he’s too old to have that problem anymore. And, yes, I do know full well that when you are raised around a particular type of sexual sin you will be prone to that temptation: That is called the nature of man. But man’s nature is
- warped
, ever since the Fall: THAT is the problem! All are prone to sexual sin, Arsenio, but what they are doing is STILL SIN. Having sex outside of marriage is a Sin; having sex with the same gender is Sin; having sexual thoughts about someone else not your wife or husband is Sin! All because Yahweh, God Himself, says so. And anyone who professes to be a Christian, Arsenio Hall, may not call good what God calls evil and claim to be His.
You, reader, may be tempted to shy away from speaking on such matters, like I have done in the past; We don’t always have to. But there are times when you will be called on to give God’s command on Homosexual, Lesbian, Transgender and whatever other sexual deviance this broken world comes up with. And, unless you are used to being straight with people, you will balk, take it from me.
But this does not mean you always have to stir the pot… I recently reminded a sister in Christ that I would not address the homosexual activists operating unchecked inside a company I was working at for the reason that I was not hired to do so. And, even though I may have been fired from there because I did say something “too Christian”, I still think it is wise to not not pick fights.
Don’t borrow trouble… but when it comes knocking point to what God says in the Scripture!
When asked I will not refuse to say what God says. I have paid a price for this but I know I am in good company. I consider such minor things hardly in keeping with the definition of suffering. But, there are wiser ways to handle such things. A wiser head than mine, Ray Comfort, a very seasoned street preacher from www.LivingWaters.com, recommends that Christians merely turn the matter around when approached by such controversial questions. By asking the questioner what the Bible says about homosexuality, or whatever else they are trying to trip you up with you can get back to the Gospel (and that is what such are trying to do… they want to STOP the Gospel being preached!) And should the questioner claim to not know, which is likely a lie, merely remark something like, “Well then you should find out before you come and ask me.” In this way, whether with an “LGBT” matter; whether you are being asked if Christians can smoke pot; asked whether God is ok with whether them having sex with their girlfriend, or whatever… you don’t let the questioner STOP the Gospel being preached.
However, when someone like Arsenio Hall, who has blatantly claimed to be of Christ, then turns around and embraces sin as being good (even denouncing brothers that speak the truth as being ignorant!)… well then you must be God’s spokesman.
Now, I am sure I’m going to get well meaning people accusing me of being Judgmental. Let me remind you that God made it very clear how you can know who is who, by what they do and say. When Arsenio calls good evil that’s a clear indication he either needs correction, or he needs the Gospel. Judgment, righteously applied, is right and commanded by Jesus. Go and look up the definitions of condemnation and judgment and see how they differ.
Christians, don’t be afraid to speak the truth –
Jesus is with you, always.
Be as wise as a serpent and harmless as a dove.
After all, if Christians will not speak who will?
Patrick Burwell
OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministries
P.s. Arsenio, If you want to follow up with me use my contact page on the front of the Ministry site.