They DON’T “get it”, once again…

The problems with the “We Get it!” declaration are simply profound in their implication and lack of Biblical application.

The declaration of the website is missing the #1 Command of Jesus: To Seek the Lost as Jesus did; to preach the Gospel to every person. Statements like “we are lovingly restored through Jesus Christ” is, once again, the wrong message of salvation, missing what so many American pastors do in their preaching. Where is the Repentance and Faith in Jesus without which you perish?; Where is the change that James spoke of?; Where is the love of God, and the hatred of sin?; Where is the zeal for seeking and saving the lost that comes from one born again?; Where is the clear message of Hell being the place ALL will go to who refuse the Mercy of Yahweh?

Frankly, I don’t “get” the point of even making the declaration without stating the Gospel clearly. So I am afraid the “We Get it!” declaration shows, once again, like so many others professing Jesus, the proponents of this “We Get It!” declaration do not “get” the Gospel at all!

Unless we obey Y’Shua in the preaching of the Gospel, the reconciliation of man to his Creator, the priority God calls us to, then the work this declaration speaks of is no more God honoring than any other self-serving act of man. The Shriners do a much better job if helping the poor is the priority command to obey God in. Their works are Godless, for all the “good” the Shriners do, because their work is not to honor Yahweh; they do not obey His Commission. And any Christian who works to help the poor as a priority does not honor God as well as he refuses to obey God’s command to seek their salvation first.

Although I applaud the desire to clearly show we must see to the poor as more important then any politically charged hype over the environment, the commands of Jesus were muddled once again in this “declaration” that makes works the priority over obedience to God.

To obey is better than to sacrifice. (Remember?)

It’s no wonder the lost think American Christianity is silly nonsense. The children of the world show more wisdom than the professed children of God in this nation. The majority of our Pastors, like those signing this “We Get it!” declaration have done, have made an idol of works and a mockery of the sacrifice of Jesus. Their preaching is a useless prattling to the dead as they hide in their cloisters wasting their energies on self aggrandizing conferences and trumpet blasting efforts to help the poor. They have their reward.

Thanks be to Yahweh we still have that remnant preaching of Repentance, Hell and the Wrath of God, on the street every day, Biblically preparing the heart of the sinner for the merciful reconciliation of Y’Shua, to the Glory of Yahweh the Father

Get out of your sepulchers, you false gospel preachers, repent of your arrogant disobedience and seek the Lost every day wherever you are.
Learn how to share your faith Biblically, the Way Jesus did and bring Yahweh Glory! Then the works you speak of in this failed declaration will result as the natural by-product of a grateful heart. No declaring of what is obvious is necessary or recommended.

But, if you must declare something, then declare your obedience to see souls saved and glorify Yahweh, not yourself.

Patrick Burwell
Founder /


The “We Get It!” Declaration