Feeling “Bi–Sexual“ is not a phase,
It’s wrong desire you can be freed from, if you want to be…
I recently received a beautiful graphic meme that prompted
a reply I thought would beneficial to share with everyone...
The graphic had the words “Bi-Sexuality is not a phase.”; And, with just a little research, I see this is an oft-quoted phrase of many from ‘HollyWeird’. For example, Lili Reinhart of the BBC used that/ comment in response to criticisms of Disney incorporating a “bi-sexual” into their show, “The Owl House”*1 (very gross Disney, so much for being Family Friendly)
Think about that statement, though…
“Bi-Sexuality is not a phase.”; Where is the logical fallacy in such a comment?
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. – 1 Cor 10:13: KJV
My answer is the same response I gave to a wailing sexual deviate I encountered on the boardwalk in New Jersey one summer, while Evangelizing, as he was crying over the statements by another Christian, preaching Jesus to the crowd gathered. But the Preacher was yelling that they were, “Headed for Hell!!!”, and deserved it. I totally disagreed with that approach, and told her so in front of everyone, and the homosexual man called me over to explain why I did that.
Here is the gist of the explanation:
“Just because you desire to do something doesn’t make it right.”, and I went on to explain to my new-found friend, with my preacher friend listening in, that we ALL have this same struggle: Screaming the Hell message isn’t effective, or kind. The problem is that some having “given themselves over” to these desires, whether out of despair of ever overcoming them or just a plain lack of understanding, is their discussion with God, not mine; But this conversation did have me leading this struggling man to Jesus with this verse:
And be not conformed to this world: but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God. Romans 12:2, KJV
Now WHY was I successful? Because, I did not make myself out to be better than him, and, for that reason, he was listening, intently, to every word. God’s Law struck his soul, delivered with compassion, and God’s Love Freed him, with that empathy. He was able to, finally, hear how he could be FREED from this controlling desire, by care.
There WAS Hope after all
Do you sometimes have to be gruff with people about what is true?
OF COURSE, the answer is ,”Yes”. But let them hear the tears in your voice over the struggle YOU overcame in Jesus. If you can’t be compassionate do the rest of us, trying to seek the Lost, a favor and SHUT UP, until the Law of God breaks you of being so good…
See the www.HowWillYouDo.org to understand further…
YOU, the one with that sexual deviance you just can’t shake, YOU CAN be free, but only if you WANT to be.
My book, “For the Love of the Truth” <— is available, and it is free, to all, to encourage right evangelism, as well as how to be saved (and STAY that way), and also how you can overcome the struggles we ALL face.
The booklet is a short testimony of how Jesus saved me, and how HE taught ME to seek the Lost.
Keep seeking the Lost; Fill His House!
In His wonderfully freeing love,
Patrick, www.OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries
P.s. This same understanding of compassion as you preach must be forefront in your thoughts as you deal with false religions masquerading. There is NO pit so deep that God is not deeper still, as Corrie Ten-Boom said; Don’t let your pride be the reason they don’t hear how to be rescued.
*1 – https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/entertainment-arts-53785585