Stop Tyranny Everywhere You See It:
I want everyone to understand how serious this matter is: Every year the state of New York has tried to pass a law that would give absolute power to the director of the state health department to arrest and detain in camps, indefinitely, anyone they choose, with the mere suspicion of contagion, AT THE DIRECTOR’S DISCRETION!!! -That would give every State’s Director of Health the power of an absolute dictator. This is why we have to yell and scream, THIS is how important it is, and THIS is what the answer is you give when people ask, “What good does opposing do? Why bother?”
You’re yelling and screaming about bills like this, that are presented every year as good law, is to prevent absolute tyranny.
Don’t let the spineless claim pacifism is Christianity.
THAT;S WHY YOU MUST BE THAT MAN OR WOMAN who is the “conspiracy theorist” the State of New York is blaming for such bills as A416 failing every year. YELL EVERY TIME!!!
They don’t give up trying every year to pass tyrannical laws, so neither should you ever give in opposing the attempts…
Remember you are a “conspiracy theorist” when you tell the truth against tyranny; Wear that label proudly of ‘conspiracist’ when they use it so incorrectly; It’s always those who try to oppress that use methods to confuse. You keep bringing Clarity, out in public, into the open – And do it loudly, always. And when you see one more person get silenced take that as your command to stand up and be the next one yelling.
If it wasn’t for Christians standing against England’s 260 year oppression, the rebellion starting at the pulpits of Christ’s Churches, the world would not have the USA today – Remember that. Don’t let the spineless claim pacifism is Christianity. If Christians don’t continue to stand up America will be lost and the world will fall into Global oppression.
Like many other bills, A416 had been reintroduced year after year and died in committee. The latest version of the bill would allow the state governor, by “issuing a single order,” to “order the removal or detention” of any person or group of people deemed to be a suspected case, contact, or carrier of a contagious disease and poses “an imminent and significant threat to the public health in severe morbidity or high mortality.”
To read more visit The Epoch Times.
You, Christian, are the oracle of God, the Standard bearer of what Truth is and is NOT! Do not shirk your duty.
Patrick Burwell, Director, Ministries
-. If you, or anyone you know, are good at writing, are a solid, mature, Christian, with a passion to reach the Lost and stand for God’s Truth, reach out to me, because we could use more authors – Email me at , Subject Line: “Contributing Authorship”. All what do here is volunteer only. – Patrick