Come again? How does that work?
Jesus says you must be born again to even see God. It is the love of God that saves your soul, because you deserve to not be saved. What does your love have to do with it?If Anne Rice left Jesus, and then came back again, does that mean she was un-“born again” only to be “born again”, again, on her return? No no, that is just not possible. The Christian never leaves Jesus, ever. The Christian isn’t saved by his own efforts, God does the saving. GOD is the one who loves us, not us Him.
There is no one who loves God. Everyone seeks their own good. [Philippians 2:21
Maybe we can see a c l u e to the problem Anne is having in the Catholic catechism she has “returned” to.
Roman Catholic dogma preaches an infused righteousness, not the imputed righteousness required to be saved from your sin payment.
Let me explain:
“Infused” righteousness means you are given the ability to become saved but then you must cooperate with God to be made righteous through your works of “love” (Benedict). This is heresy.
“Imputed” righteousness means you are given the righteousness of Christ. There is nothing you can ever do to earn God’s Mercy. It is the gift of God, not of works, lest any man should boast. [Ephesians 2:8-9]
So if Anne Rice has “come back” to Christ by the Roman Catholic doctrine then I fear for her soul; she likely still hasn’t come to Christ. Her testimony lends me to believe she is in real danger of still trying to pay her Catholic fire insurance and is not saved. She said, “…what drives people away from Christ is the Christian who does not know how to love.” This is an erroneous statement.
No one comes to Christ over the love of another. And no one stays with Christ because they love Him; they stay because He first loved US. The Mercy of God is never accepted until a sinner first sees himself by the Law of God. Until you know why you need saving you will not care whether God is merciful. But once you do wild dogs would never pull you away from Jesus, ever. No one who is born again could ever leave such mercy because he knows he deserves God’s Wrath. When confronted with leaving Jesus a Christian says with Peter, “To whom would we go? YOU have the words of eternal life.”
Did Anne Rice get saved and leave and return? No. But I fear the real question is did she ever get saved, for the first time?
Patrick James Burwell
This is a great article and SO TRUE.
Our Way of the Master class is awesome! Having some great testimonies of folks sharing their faith in the biblical way.
Out of a church of about 80 adults, 17 attend the class!
Please send me an email. I believe you have my cell phone number. Want to discuss the possibility of you paying us a visit. You had mentioned that you were in PA. Where?
Our church is Maranatha Baptist Church
665 Holmdel Road
Hazlet,NJ 07730
Len Ferm