Use Every Opportunity Rightly
I am reminded of my friend’s grandmother. She was a stubborn woman. She was always too busy to listen to her son explain why she needed God’s payment for her crimes against her Creator (see www.HowWillYouDo.org for details on this explanation of crimes.against Gid).
So, as she lay dying in her son’s house, in her late 80s, family around her in those last hours, she tenderly asked him to explain once more to her, how to be right with God.
Shouldn’t the Gospel be EASY to tell someone, and isn’t the Gospel Message the SAME for everyone?
She went to meet Jesus personally not long after her repentance and trust in Christ for her sin payment; You can’t get much closer.
I personally experienced people I know or just met, either dying in my arms, or close to death:
- A man was hit by a large truck in New York City. He had been a CBS executive, and just said goodbye to his wife after their lunch, j-walking back to the office, across 6th avenue in the middle of the day, where I worked in IT. As I saw him fly into the air, his shoes flying off, I ran over and held his head together so he could say goodbye to his wife
- A man was t-boned in an intersection, right up the road from the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. I got there just seconds after the accident. I held him together as the ambulance came.
- Oh yes, there was a third: My beloved Spanish language teacher of 4 years had asked me why I was so happy every morning. She died of cancer the next week.
- Sadly, there was a fourth: A lady that lived in a trailer right down the street from me. I met and spoke to her many times, being so close. She died of an over-dose before I could talk to her about Jesus.
Each time I didn’t know what to say, but I wanted them to know Jesus loves them. I was stuck, not ready. Let’s just say all those events motivated me to find the answer. I was really confused, I mean, how do you tell someone about Jesus, why they need to trust in Him for their sins, and have them listen? Why is a rich guy not going to listen to the same message a poor one might? Why do I have to wait for someone to be scared, or broke, or dying, to tell them? Shouldn’t the Gospel be EASY to tell someone, and isn’t the Gospel Message the SAME for everyone?
Well guess what, The Gospel is easy, is simple, and is the very same message for every person. Sadly, and not just in America, there are so few teachers and preachers that know what to teach Christians, how they ought to share their faith, anywhere, at any time, to anyone. In my frustration I cried out, “SURELY this can’t be THIS difficult?!?” – He pointed me to www.WayoftheMaster.com that day. My wife and I now have a Ministry called www.ONLYJesusSaves.org, and HowWillYouDo.org is where we point the lost to a clear, concise Gospel message we learned in their “School of Biblical Evangelism”. You had to learn how to drive, right? Using the method Jesus Himself used, and taught, I have shared the Gospel to OVER 25,000 people, personally, since 2000. I am not kidding.
You know, it’s tough on those who love them, but some of us.(most of us?) have to go the hard way (like I did). The danger is if God let’s them have coherence at the end; YHWH is in charge of that choice. So we must know how to share our faith in Jesus, and do it quickly, like if someone is dying in your arms, and only has three minutes to live.
Pray for the one you love, but don’t be at peace, hoping they listen in the end, LEARN how to share your faith and TELL THEM.NOW. Know that each of us must choose to trust in Jesus’ payment for ourselves, no one can save another; and NO, there is no rescue after death, so don’t blame yourself if you have been faithful. BUT BE SURE YOU ARE FAITHFUL.
Here is some relief, btw:
And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Acts 2:21
Note that God says “whosoever in His Scripture, not a select few? That “whosoever”=”anyone”, meaning not one us can be prevented from Jesus; But they, like we all, must call on Him personally.
I hope that helps you in this trying time
Learn here,.or ask us to explain:
Patrick Burwell
ONLYJesusSaves.org Ministries
For more on my testimony download my free PDF book, where I explain what God says about who listens and why they respond:
For the Love of the Truth
P.s. If anyone know where this rider falling off a bike image is from let us know so we can link them. http://m.youtube.com/channelcrazydride is a broken link now.