“If you cannot believe that God created the Earth in 6 literal days, among all the other claims God makes in Scriptures like Genesis, then you have a problem with The Gospel.”
I think too many preachers ignore the many places God says Salvation is by Faith IN JESUS (Romans 9:7), but not what is clearly recorded in Genesis. Faith is IN Jesus, in what Jesus did on the Cross AND in His Promises and claims; Faith comes from what the Bible “says” about Him, Jesus, the One and Only Savior for man’s Sin. We did the crime of violating God’s Law, but Jesus paid the fine: It’s just that simple. Pastors preach that, with no issue. But then to turn around and claim you believe Jesus but not in the 6 literal days of Creation, as accounted literally in Genesis, says you literally reject what Jesus said (What, is reality too “literal” for you Pat Robertson?).
Let’s look at it this way: If I asked you to believe in my ability to build servers, and get them up and running for your company, that is one thing. But if I then say you should believe in me enough to marry your daughter and make her happy, that is an entirely different level of trust I am asking from you. So when you say you trust in Jesus as Savior, that is one thing, but to say He is LORD, is entirely another trust claim. Savior is to save you from what you deserve, He paid for your sins against God, the Father. But, then, Jesus as LORD, well He then RUNS your life. Jesus is then in control, not you. – but don’t worry He is a great LORD. “He cares for you”, is all through the Bible, describing your relationship with Jesus, and thus the Father, as one of a complete and total care. Jesus not only cares FOR you but He loves you more than He does Himself. After all, He suffered and allowed Himself to DIE a slow and painful death, separated from his own Father, FOR YOU. You think He’s not going to care what job you like, where you live, whom you marry, what person you become? Of course He does, MORE THAN YOU DO…
Believe it
So when you say you have “faith”, what are you referring to? A religious ascent to what and who Jesus is, or is faith a personal, ongoing relationship with Him as King of your life?
How you answer the 6 days of Creation question tells whose you are…
Allow me to explain further: If you say you believe in Jesus as “The Savior” but do not believe in what He believed, then you are merely religious about being Christian. You MAY be saved from your sins, but that’s it (and whether you really are rescued is in question, btw). Is that really what you want?
Not me… I’m all in with Jesus. I may be hard-headed and resist Him sometimes, more times than should occur, but HE IS LORD. He says “GO”, I’m going.
You in?
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.org