Vaccination Has A Less Than 1% Effectivenesss
We exist to declare Jesus alone as the Salvation for Man, to the Glory of God the Father, and to lead the world in seeking Truth, Honesty and Freedom for All!!
What Is Bitcoin? – Gab News Bitcoin is free speech money. Bitcoin allows anyone in the world to store value digitally and transact in a way that is secure, censorship-resistant, and doesn’t require permission or approval from any government…
Hot Potato! By repetitive obedience the hold of any lust is lost… I received an e-mail with a question many people have about addiction. This man’s addiction was with alcohol, but I believe the application of my advice* to him works for all who are…
01/05/21, Israel – Israeli woman diagnosed with facial paralysis after receiving Covid 19 vaccine 01/05/21, USA – Hundreds sent to emergency room after receiving COVID-19 vaccine 01/05/21, Mexico – 32-year-old Mexican doctor suffers seizures and is paralyzed after receiving Pfizer’s experimental vaccine…