…or so it would seem.
Wow, is this it? Are we almost, “outta-
Well, MAYBE. Let me explain…
What would be some of the ways, some of the signs to look for, to know that the end is near, Jesus is at the door, that The Rapture event itself is just about to happen? What would be some very clear signs that the return of Jesus is right around the corner? Well, how about what J.D. Farag, Pastor of a Calvary Chapel in Hawaii says is going down, that the three nations, the Biblical Gog, Magog, and Rosh (Russia, Iran, and Turkey), are in SUCH Financially Dire straits that they MUST attack Israel to take their spoil, JUST TO SURVIVE?

It was reported just yesterday about the currency of Turkey DIVING. And Russia’s financial woes are well reported, both of them dumping us currency to stay afloat, offloading some bonds by 52 PERCENT!!!

And what kind of spoil would Israel have that would be so inviting to Russia,
How about another sign, that would be in Israel itself, on how a loaf of bread could be worth a POUND of gold. How could this ever happen, right? Well, in Japan today, right now, a shaped watermelon can be as high as $800 USD because the Japanese people, per capita, are 15% more wealthy than the USA! Israel is the richest it has EVER been in history, and all only in the last 5 years (some even say 3 years). Try to live in Israel today and you’ll go broke because everything is so expensive, and getting worse every month!
SO how could a POUND of Gold be worth a LOAF of bread? Well, consider how commodities are priced over local purchases, like bread. Gold is priced globally while a loaf of bread could be pretty darned expensive in Israel herself. Especially considering the dietary laws in Israel requiring such stringent, and expensive, ingredients!
When everyone on your block can AFFORD $100 pickles
what would YOU sell pickles for?
How about the sign that many would call evil good and good evil? That is happening EVERYWHERE. In the USA today we have so many people calling Evil, like baby murdering, Good that this is a PLATFORM for the Democrat Party. a PLATFORM!!!
The Liberals have become SO radicalized many are leaving and have started a movement just to highlight WHY…
- In California today the Bible is considered a book of hatred and worthy to be burned or at least banned!
- In Europe, if you dare to say in public that a sexual deviant is committing sin against God, you can go to prison and be fined heavily. Many Christians have been already!
- In Oregon, a couple owned a bakery but had it STOLEN from them by the state government because sexual deviates required the owners to participate in their fake wedding. The state took the couples’ house, and they also had to pay a heavy fine, all because they wanted to have a Christian bakery and not participate in events against their closely held RELIGIOUS BELIEFS.

The examples are so numerous now of such persecution against Christianity in the USA I can now fill a book just of the events in the last 3 years here.
There are Wars all over the planet, thousands murder in the name of their false gods (Buddhism, Islam, Hindus, etc…). There are rumors of wars
Signs in the heavens. there are terrible weather events that break 100, 100 and historical records. and these events are happening at a faster pace than ever before, just as God said. Just like a mother’s birth-pains, these troubles occur more and more often, at greater and greater frequency and strength.
Can it get worse? Yes. Some Bible teachers teach the Rapture must happen AFTER the Sun and moon go dark, while others say this is the Day of the LORD when He establishes His Reign; The Rapture occurring BEFORE the Wrath of God.
Just as it was in the Days of Noah, we must ENTER THE ARK to be saved. JESUS is the Ark of God and He will soon Return for His Church, to remove them so Satan can reign unchecked for 7 years.
www.HowWillYouDo.org is the Vidoe I made to give you God’s invitation to “Escape the Wrath to come.”
God is asking you one question if you ave not yet Trusted in the Payment Jesus made for you:
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesussaves.org Ministries