Chattanooga Tennessee Baptist Preacher Call for Violence Against…. Conservatives? Waaa?

Chattanooga Pastor Claims He meant Spiritual Violence, Not Physical, yet, “Rev.” Steve Caudle told the congregation Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church of Chattanooga on Sunday that, “(S)ometimes violence is necessary”, without equivocation. He either apologizes and clarifies what he meant, resigns or faces charges. There are…

Preach the Gospel to Every Event You Can Find

You can preach the Gospel to anyone, at any time, anywhere. Don’t be afraid, what can happen? Will you go to Heaven when you leave this earth? Does God love them as much as you? Then Preach the Law loudly and whisper the Gospel to the willing.

KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration –

Today, all over the world, the KJV Bible was read multiple times over in 400 seconds for the KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration – #KJV400 @YouVersion participated by reading Isiah 21 aloud at the Stroud Mall in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Video: