KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration – YouVersion.com

Today, all over the world, the KJV Bible was read multiple times over in 400 seconds for the KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration – YouVersion.com. #KJV400 @YouVersion OnlyJesusSaves.com participated by reading Isiah 21 aloud at the Stroud Mall in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTQ1eeEds1E

What the 2cnd Amendment REALLY means…

WATCH THIS TEXAS GIRL TELL SENATORS JUST WHAT THE SECOND AMENDMENT REALLY MEANS Watch the senators’ faces as she speaks. She understands the 2nd Amendment in a way our lawmakers never will. The fact that Schumer SMIRKS while she is testifying tells me he is…

American Christianity Misses the Point Again -WHY?

American Christianity Misses the Point Again -WHY? In the article on OneNewsNow.com entitled “Prejean will retain crown” the author missed the blatantly obvious point that so many professing Christianity here in the USA have, apparently willingly, chosen to ignore as well: Miss Prejean is not…