Why Bothering Matters

Stop Tyranny Everywhere You See It: YELL LOUDLY! EVERY TIME!! I want everyone to understand how serious this matter is: Every year the state of New York has tried to pass a law that would give absolute power to the director of the state health…

Why the riots in the USA are designed to accomplish JUST what Bastille Day did in France

“They celebrate what they should be ashamed of… A protest by definition is peaceful; Once it’s violent it’s no longer a protest or a right… allot of the media are acting like the propaganda arm for the revolution, and that’s what we saw int he Soviet Union… The Bible says… we do not follow the crowd when they’re wrong… understand the time, do not be deceived… and yet it seems many Christians have ignored the teachings of the Bible…but…the wicked should not be bowed down to… we should not be those who fall down or bow before the wicked… the Principle is clear (in Scripture), you bow before God alone… What you’re seeing in the streets, right now, is a works-based salvation… it’s not a Biblical principle…God has NOT given us a Spirit of Fear, but of Power and of Love and of a sound mind…Fear God Alone…” -Dr. Peter Hammond, FrontlineMissionSA.org