Tag: salvation
Pharma CEO Boasts His Products REDUCE Population, and gets applauded at the WEF
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
Evil exists and that evil says plainly they seek to kill you off or sterilize you (How else does a pharmaceutical company reduce a population with products claimed to make you healthier? It doesn’t take many brain cells to figure this out.) So, knowing you…
Christian Religious Exemption to Vaccination Download
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
The ABC’s of Salvation
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
A Prayer
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
To all the brethren of God, all those who trust in Jesus as LORD and Savior, I ask you to pray with me today… Pray for all the hard working medical staff and government officials that have worked so hard to bring so many to…
That they are endowed by their… Who?
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
Jesus First, ALL ELSE Second
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org