Minding Your Matters

Reigning in your concerns for Righteousness One of the toughest places I find myself is in the matter of the mind

Are All Means Justified To Save Souls?

It’s a problem, that nagging issue of honesty…

Age-During or Eternal?

Eternal or To the End of the Age? The title says what I intend at the outset: to identify whether there is indeed scriptural basis for the teaching of Eternal Damnation or whether there is an alternative that suggests God will allow mankind to pay…

“Get a free room for the night!”

Detailed in an article from Yahoo!News a silly man in North Carolina actually tried to do what I’ve joked many times about as I handed out the most popular Gospel tract ever produced, “I’d love it if this was real!”, the recipient of the tract…

John MacArthur calls out the “easy evangelism” ministries as the “foolish” of Matthew 7

Is the use of the Law in Gospel preparation, as the WOTM Ministry teaches, the “easy evangelism” slammed by Pastor John MacArthur, as being “superficial” and “cost-free discipleship”? In his daily readings book John MacArthur’s passage for today clearly calls “foolish” those ministries who engage in “easy…

“I Hate You…I’m Going to Kill You!” -Ray Comfort

“I read recently where mother from Texas was sentenced to probation, and lost custody of her children–for spanking her daughter! “Rosalina Gonzales of Corpus Christi pleaded guilty on Wednesday to injury to a child for swatting the two-year-old on her buttocks.” More than 53 million…