Tag: Political Commentary
Free or Victim?
Catching Wild Pigs
Why Josh Shapiro CANNOT Be Elected
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
Why Bothering Matters
Stop Tyranny Everywhere You See It: YELL LOUDLY! EVERY TIME!! I want everyone to understand how serious this matter is: Every year the state of New York has tried to pass a law that would give absolute power to the director of the state health…
Shall We Let Gays Be Unbroken?
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
Presumptive Perfectionism and Homosexual Sin
To Whom Do You Belong, Christian?
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
“Instead, greedy men rushed to war against their own brothers, even in their own households.“