Tag: Patrick J Burwell, Director
My wife and I started an Evangelism site with the declaration that Jesus alone is the Salvation of man, for the encouragement and training of Christians on how to share their faith, and for the discipleship and mentoring of all Believers of Christ to seek and save the Lost. I am also a Street Preacher in Pennsylvania, New Jersey and New York, a Technology/Security Engineering VP, an Evangelist for our Church in PA (CalvaryChapelStroudsburg.com), and am the grateful father of three boys.
I have authored articles from the perspective of “no nonsense” Biblical Christianity, and am a student of BiblicalEvangelism.net, an online Evangelism training school. I have written articles for Worldviewtimes.com, DigitalJournal.com, who I recently resigned from for their incessant abridgment of Christian content, our site and numerous online blogs and social networks.
Trust God, Not Man: Evolution is Absurd
IS Race the Issue, as SO MANY claim?

Americans are Less “Racially motivated” in the USA than any prior year in our history, as statistics show: https://www.facebook.com/prageru/videos/380661719468415/ Of course we KNOW there are NO “whites” and no “blacks”, that’s just a false narrative used to manipulate emotions and thereby control the outcome: I’m…
That they are endowed by their… Who?
Jesus First, ALL ELSE Second
AM I Saved?
Shall We Let Gays Be Unbroken?
Presumptive Perfectionism and Homosexual Sin