“Get a free room for the night!”

Detailed in an article from Yahoo!News a silly man in North Carolina actually tried to do what I’ve joked many times about as I handed out the most popular Gospel tract ever produced, “I’d love it if this was real!”, the recipient of the tract…

The Sick Mind of Homosexuality

What these sign holders do not realize is that Jesus wants to rescue them; He doesn’t want more people under the weight of their sin, but less. God commands everyone to repent; He desires all to be saved. These need only repent and trust the Savior to…

WHY Christians Engage In Politics

“27 pastors led an effort to recruit candidates and organize a petition drive to repeal the ordinance.” “The commission voted in February to add sexual orientation and a new definition of gender identity to its anti-discrimination policy. The new policy — which opponents had argued contained vague…

KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration – YouVersion.com

Today, all over the world, the KJV Bible was read multiple times over in 400 seconds for the KJV 400th Anniversary Celebration – YouVersion.com. #KJV400 @YouVersion OnlyJesusSaves.com participated by reading Isiah 21 aloud at the Stroud Mall in Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania. Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pTQ1eeEds1E

Biblical scholars excited by ‘books’ discovered in Jordanian cave | Christian News on Christian Today

Found: credit-card-sized sheets of lead bound with lead rings. “The fragments of text that have been translated so far and the images and symbols on the “books” indicate that they are Christian.” “Experts believe the books could date back to the first decades after Jesus’s…

India’s assault on Christ

India’s Christians Suffer Spike in Assaults in Past Decade – Thu, 30 Dec 2010 22:39:17 GMT From CompassDirect.org… NEW DELHI, December 30 (CDN) — Christians in India faced a spike in attacks in the past decade, suffering more than 130 assaults a year since 2001,…