Why Bothering Matters

Stop Tyranny Everywhere You See It: YELL LOUDLY! EVERY TIME!! I want everyone to understand how serious this matter is: Every year the state of New York has tried to pass a law that would give absolute power to the director of the state health…

Save Yourself From the Sin of Cowardice

She said they, she, had satisfied themselves that the rumors were only lies. My dear, sweet Oma said she loved God dearly. That poor, gentle, Godly woman wept bitterly when she told me what she had witnessed, what she had been too afraid to do.

Book Kent Hovind @DAL

Are you looking to boost your ratings? Looking to pull in listeners from a wide range of backgrounds? Book Creation Scientist Dr. Kent Hovind to Speak or Debate Today! You’ve probably heard of Dr. Kent Hovind. He’s been on thousands of radio and TV shows,…

AM I Saved?

If you have to ask if you are saved, then you aren’t! Yes, you read that right. That particular question most often is asked by someone who wants you to give them assurance, but there is no assurance other than from God Himself; This is one you…

Hillary Says Religious Beliefs Must Be Forced To Change

Hillary Clinton: Christians In America Must Deny Their Faith In Christianity Posted: 27 Apr 2015 07:11 PM PDT on The Trumpet Online Excerpt: “Hillary Clinton just said that Christians must deny their Faith through the enforcement of laws, by stating that the Christian belief in…

An Essential Defined

After a hard labor of months (even years) a decision has been made… An essential for Christianity has had to be defined to clarify what is Biblical and what is not. Both the “Sovereignty of God” and “The Free Will of Man” Doctrines are True.