Tag: Marks of the Believer
Preach the Gospel to Every Event You Can Find
A desire to please God. Thankfully.
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
Healthcare or a Suffering Burden?
Turn Away from Sin
Turn Away from Sinners Flaunting Sin!! The town council of Prattville Alabama USA may feel they have to obey a federal judge ordering a public expression of a violation of God’s Law, which is exactly what this is, but the Public DOES NOT HAVE TO….
Surety Bond Calls: Rescue Your Schools!
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
This is how one father changed things in his children’s school: Surety Bond Call Surety Bond Success Story: Ohio Father Forces School Board to End Mask Mandate on Children
On Perserverence
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
And when God says, “with perserverence”, He means it. You will never be so attacked than when you do God’s Will. Your steadfast trust in God will be tested, both inside and outside your home the closer you draw to Him. You’ve never seen the…