Shall We Let Gays Be Unbroken?

Presumptive Perfectionism and Homosexual Sin


– Last year I was eating lunch on the 20th of February with my 6-year-old granddaughter and I asked her, “What day is tomorrow?” She said “It’s President’s Day!” She is a smart kid. So, I asked “What does President’s Day mean?”…

Minding Your Matters

Reigning in your concerns for Righteousness One of the toughest places I find myself is in the matter of the mind

Are All Means Justified To Save Souls?

It’s a problem, that nagging issue of honesty…

Age-During or Eternal?

Eternal or To the End of the Age? The title says what I intend at the outset: to identify whether there is indeed scriptural basis for the teaching of Eternal Damnation or whether there is an alternative that suggests God will allow mankind to pay…

“Get a free room for the night!”

Detailed in an article from Yahoo!News a silly man in North Carolina actually tried to do what I’ve joked many times about as I handed out the most popular Gospel tract ever produced, “I’d love it if this was real!”, the recipient of the tract…