A Prayer
To all the brethren of God, all those who trust in Jesus as LORD and Savior, I ask you to pray with me today… Pray for all the hard working medical staff and government officials that have worked so hard to bring so many to…
We exist to declare Jesus alone as the Salvation for Man, to the Glory of God the Father, and to lead the world in seeking Truth, Honesty and Freedom for All!!
To all the brethren of God, all those who trust in Jesus as LORD and Savior, I ask you to pray with me today… Pray for all the hard working medical staff and government officials that have worked so hard to bring so many to…
Dear Christians, BE Christian or lose the name.
Presumptive Perfectionism and Homosexual Sin
Re: EVANGELIST LEAVES CELEBRITY PSYCHIATRIST TONGUE-TIED Evangelist leaves celebrity psychiatrist tongue-tied What this interaction between a Christian author (Hitler, God and the Bible) and a Psychiatrist shows is the disparity between their worldviews, demonstrating that they are INCOMPATIBLE. As Dr. Carole Lieberman demonstrated, Psychiatry has…