Hot Potato! – On Addiction and Lust

Hot Potato! By repetitive obedience the hold of any lust is lost… I received an e-mail with a question many people have about addiction. This man’s addiction was with alcohol, but I believe the application of my advice* to him works for all who are…

Save Yourself From the Sin of Cowardice

She said they, she, had satisfied themselves that the rumors were only lies. My dear, sweet Oma said she loved God dearly. That poor, gentle, Godly woman wept bitterly when she told me what she had witnessed, what she had been too afraid to do.

A Prayer

To all the brethren of God, all those who trust in Jesus as LORD and Savior, I ask you to pray with me today… Pray for all the hard working medical staff and government officials that have worked so hard to bring so many to…

That they are endowed by their… Who?

In God we trust? WHICH ONE? The Crack in our Foundation Are the founding documents of the United States of America talking about the god of the Mormons? Is he the god(s) of the Hindus? Is the “Creator” mentioned the god of the Muslims, or…

AM I Saved?

If you have to ask if you are saved, then you aren’t! Yes, you read that right. That particular question most often is asked by someone who wants you to give them assurance, but there is no assurance other than from God Himself; This is one you…

Shall We Let Gays Be Unbroken?

Presumptive Perfectionism and Homosexual Sin