Wis. Pres. Approves Ordination of Openly Deviate Man

In a closed meeting, a regional body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) on Saturday voted to ordain a “partnered” homosexual. [ChristianPost.com] I’m guessing it will not be long before the PC-USA closes it’s doors altogether. GOOD RIDDANCE! (more here…)

Minn. Pastor Parts with Congregation Over Homosexuality

A Little Falls, Minn., pastor recently spoke out about his decision to resign after his congregation rejected a motion to leave the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. The Rev. Nate Bjorge told the Brainerd Dispatch that First Lutheran Church’s vote last month to stay in…

Voice of the Martyrs STILL Supports Catholicism

We have just confirmed that Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) does not differentiate heretics from Christians in their reporting; They lump Catholics, Adventists and any other group professing Christian faith in with their claim of being persecuted for Jesus. Will they next add Mormons just…