How Should Christians Engage the World?

A discussion worth repeating… The results of political involvement, just like preaching the Gospel, are neither the product of your delivery, or the hardened state of the recipient of your message… the Gospel does NOT change the culture; it was never intended to. Do we…

Chattanooga Tennessee Baptist Preacher Call for Violence Against…. Conservatives? Waaa?

Chattanooga Pastor Claims He meant Spiritual Violence, Not Physical, yet, “Rev.” Steve Caudle told the congregation Greater Second Missionary Baptist Church of Chattanooga on Sunday that, “(S)ometimes violence is necessary”, without equivocation. He either apologizes and clarifies what he meant, resigns or faces charges. There are…

VA Chaplain Punished for Preaching From Bible

VA Chaplain Punished for Preaching From Bible “An Army Reserve chaplain was removed from duty at the VA medical center in Coatesville, Pennsylvania after someone was offended by a sermon he delivered from the New Testament book of Romans. The pastor’s message was inspired by…

Apophis Asteroid, Rev 8:8, and the Christian Nationalistic conclusion of Llama AI

A conversation with DuckDuckGo Chat AI using open source Llama 3.1 and the wonderful conclusion of the AI based on reality and the data NASA has provided publicly… …the government leaders should prioritize the spiritual well-being of their citizens and take steps to prepare them…

Why Bothering Matters

Stop Tyranny Everywhere You See It: YELL LOUDLY! EVERY TIME!! I want everyone to understand how serious this matter is: Every year the state of New York has tried to pass a law that would give absolute power to the director of the state health…

That they are endowed by their… Who?

In God we trust? WHICH ONE? The Crack in our Foundation Are the founding documents of the United States of America talking about the god of the Mormons? Is he the god(s) of the Hindus? Is the “Creator” mentioned the god of the Muslims, or…