Tag: Director
A Wise Analysis of Italy’s Meloni and Europe’s Troubles
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
The Cause of Every War
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
Another DMZ, like exists between North and South Korea, will soon be established and another COLD WAR will begin. PRAY this does not escalate further.
The Affect of Today’s Ruling
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
The only women who are going to still be capable of having or wanting to have, children will be those who are pro-life…
Why Will WW3 Happen?
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
Russia already said they will hit decision-making centers of any nation that assists the deviate/pedophile Ukraine government. Ukraine was the deviate/pedphile capitol… until Russia defended the Donetsk region from Ukraine’s constant shelling of civilians. This is the truth of what is bringing WW3, perverts attacking…
A Helpful Sore (Job 5:18)
Posted on by Ministry Authors of OnlyJesusSaves.org
The stripes of God are far better than any kiss of man.