How Should Christians Engage the World?

A discussion worth repeating… The results of political involvement, just like preaching the Gospel, are neither the product of your delivery, or the hardened state of the recipient of your message… the Gospel does NOT change the culture; it was never intended to. Do we…

Preach the Gospel to Every Event You Can Find

You can preach the Gospel to anyone, at any time, anywhere. Don’t be afraid, what can happen? Will you go to Heaven when you leave this earth? Does God love them as much as you? Then Preach the Law loudly and whisper the Gospel to the willing.

Healthcare or a Suffering Burden?

Healthcare or Burden? He was suffering and they were also I am going to say this as gently as I can: Are you sure your death at home isn’t a better choice than burying your family under bills they cannot afford? Wise, mature men and…

A Reply to a Doubter

A reply to another doubter who finds it incredible so many governments can consistently lie about COVID: They ARE lying, they HAVE BEEN lying and CONTINUE to lie, about COVID-19 and these mRna experimental gene manipulations. -and WHY do they do that? Because they are…

Use Every Opportunity, Rightly

Use Every Opportunity Rightly I am reminded of my friend’s grandmother. She was a stubborn woman. She was always too busy to listen to her son explain why she needed God’s payment for her crimes against her Creator (see for details on this explanation…

Surety Bond Calls: Rescue Your Schools!

This is how one father changed things in his children’s school: Surety Bond Call Surety Bond Success Story: Ohio Father Forces School Board to End Mask Mandate on Children