As In The Days Of Noah Chuck Missler
As In The Days Of Noah, Part 2 – Chuck Missler – YouTube
We exist to declare Jesus alone as the Salvation for Man, to the Glory of God the Father, and to lead the world in seeking Truth, Honesty and Freedom for All!!
As In The Days Of Noah, Part 2 – Chuck Missler – YouTube
Millions of Americans Flood Into Mexico for Health Care [Caution – is a leftist site. We just thought this was interesting but are still confirming the details claimed. -PB, OJS] “more people currently fleeing the US’s health care system than refugees seeking asylum from…
Mark my words: Facebook, YouTube and Twitter will all pay millions, billions (maybe even trillions) of dollars in fines from the US government, for their tax-exempt status being revoked, because they were given such a status for promising to be a public social service that…