Norton Connect-Safe is blocking PRO-Life sites but not Planned Parenthood?
I was shocked recently to discover Symantec has begun filtering websites on an anti-Christ classification, but I had hoped I was wrong… When I found the Belkin router I bought from Walmart was updated by Symantec remotely to automatically discriminate against Pro-Life groups, by the default settings in the Symantec Norton “Connect -Safe” website filtering product, I was truly aghast! So when did Symantec decide to
only accept murdering as an acceptable opinion, promoting those who think murdering babies is ACCEPTABLE? I had noticed this “Abortion” filter classification only recently, which began to filter out Pro-Life groups
on our new router. So I had expected that when I did a quick search on using the WORD “abortion” that this would be blocked, thinking Symantec was merely PROTECTING children from adult subject material. I mean, the very fact Planned Parenthood’s site was allowed was making me angry enough, but I hoped Symantec was just trying to keep abortion subjects from little eyes; letting their
parents decide. But, no, such criminal material on how to get help murdering your child was EASILY accessible through “Connect-Safe”.
Symantec is discriminating against Pro-Life (Pro-Christ) groups while actively promoting the GROSS and ABOMINABLE sin of mother’s murdering their babies! And they made these filter changes without even consulting their customers!
I would understand if they had pro-life and pro-choice filter options, if they really wanted to go there. but to classify pro-life only with their “Abortion” filter is BEYOND deplorable!
May I suggest contacting, not to mention, for an explanation right away?
(The screen captures are from a system accessing the web through my own home Belkin router)