As I came out of the subway, after an interview, I saw these people ministering in the tunnel and decided to join them.
This group of folks had placards sitting along the wall and they were handing out tracks and holding up signs, but they weren’t speaking. So I decided to open air preach for about an hour and handed out a few million dollar bills – about a hundred of them – encouraged them, and went on my way.
I preached based upon the “What will it Profit a man to gain the whole world but lose his own soul?” sermon I have prepared for just such moments:
” What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world but loses his own soul? What will a man give for his soul; What will he pay in order to keep himself out of hell? What would you pay to be able to go to Heaven?
Every religion of man is based upon works righteousness, what they can do to be right with God, but there is no one good, not one of us. You rush off to your appointments, you rush to your home, you’re running to get to the next subway, but what will you do if you don’t make it? The Bible says that every one of us will have to face God on Judgment Day. God says that every man will answer for what he has done, whether it is good or bad. All liars will have their place in the lake of fire, all adulterers, all murderers; Anyone who looks with lust has committed adultery already in their heart!
Purgatory is a lie!
No one is good!
REPENT! Trust in Jesus, your only Hope, your Only Savior!
He alone can save you you! All other religions ARE A LIE! (Echoes down the hallway)
The Bible says that there is none good but God, that we have all sinned and fallen short of his glory, that we are all liars, are thieves, all adulterers at heart, because God reads the mind, and God judges the heart. Trust in what Jesus has done on the cross for you, He ALONE paid the FINE for YOUR CRIME!
There is no one good there is no one who does good in the side of God; We all need a Savior – trust in the only one who can save you!!!”
Many times I did this. I would proclaim loudly down the hallway, or speak loudly as crowds passed coming and going. I have learned from drama classes as a young man how to PROOOOO-JEEEEECT with the diaphram, to speak in a booming voice, and in these places it helps, because amps, or megaphones, are NOT allowed without a very hard to get permit.
Several officers passed us by and not one stopped to even hint what we were doing was wrong. They even took tracts and kidded around with me about the Million Dollar bill.
I was motivated by the persistence and care of these gentle people, all bundled up in their raggedy clothes, preaching the Gospel, sharing their lunches with each other, BEAMING that they were so blessed to be able to be there “for Jesus!” So I reminded them to not use the “God loves you” message too much but stress the Law more, and why. But I noticed their signs were VERY clear so I didn’t see the need to elaborate.
I left tracts a few places more as I went to my bus at the other end…
Like this idea below was a good thought for the tolls for foot traffic areas…
I love the Million Dollar Bill tracts stick in those turn stile card readers. These shown here are the older ones Ray Comfort’s Ministry, www.LivingWaters.com, sent me for free!!! THANK YOU RAY! I put the 600 to GOOD USE in New York City!
I also had gone down to hand some of these same tracts in New York City’s Times Square and was reminded of the unique nature of the heart of the advertising world: Everyone there is used to being handed lots of things. I have never gotten SO MANY REJECTIONS than in New York. Walking back to the Port Authority I kept getting, “No thanks”, “Naw man!” and “cold shoulders”. Only about 1 in 10 took one. I had a few ask me what they were and I would give the “It’s your bail out” or say plainly it was a gospel tract. but I had to go back to the “Did you get yours?” to even get 2 in 10 to take them.
Moral of the story? Don’t get frustrated, or when you do just calm down by remembering they are DECEIVED, they don’t know they are all walking right off into Judgment day and Hell. So, be PERSISTENT and know how to get people’s attention.
Patrick, OnlyJesusSaves.com