THE MOST HOLY men I know live VERY simple lives.
It seems the farther men are from the world’s influences the closer they are to God. But is it true? Is that a key to Holiness? How far is enough?
Should we all be hermits, for instance?
I don’t think so.
So how separate is “Holy”?
Remember John the Baptiser? You can’t get much more ‘separated.’ Jesus Himself called John GREATEST among men on earth (Luke 7:28). But, He then said that even the least in Heaven is greater than John. I take this to mean then that to be by God is to be as separated from the World, as Holy, as ANYONE can get. That is to say that even John, in his animals skins, sucking on the leg of a grasshopper, and with all his scoffing at the worldly, even he was still left open to the world’s influence. I mean, to just BE here, to not be in Heaven, does that., apparently. Come quickly LORD.
Remember Moses? He was so changed by being close to God his very face was shining, and then SO brightly the people could not STAND it. They made him wear a veil until the glowing stopped. I’ve met people like that, have had people say that of me at times, that the face just shines on Godly people. But the glory fades doesn’t it? So what is it that makes the glow wane? To hear the Bible, it’s the world; the cares of this life, the ‘pride of life’, that causes the loss of holiness.
Was there anyone on earth more Holy than Jesus?
Was He a hermit?
Can silence be the key, because when you turn everything off you get a lot more quiet. There are days I just want to unplug and have silence for a few days. But I’m married, with children, so silence is a rare commodity.
Are you really being Holy, or are we just being “holier than thou”, to think so?
There are some in this life who seem to get what holiness is… Their ability to hear God, to weather hardship, to be a calming influence in trials, shows they have something more.
Now let’s not forget there are many who lose their minds about holiness. Legalism is ever present in a “holiness” meeting.
So what do the Holy do that is so different?
I remember a man of God named Gary Kroeze. He answered questions I never asked anyone of but God, and then that was only in my own thoughts. The Spirit told him what I was struggling with (what to CALL God when I pray) and he answered me for God, straight out, how that I needed to read the Bible for God’s Names. He just said it right “out of the blue”, as it seemed to me. I was STUNNED. I had not said anything about my question to ANYONE, having thought about that the very morning he said this.
This is one of those times I learned the reality of the Spirit of God and that He interacts JUST FINE with men who have “ears to hear.” So where do we get the ‘ears’ from?
He who has ears to hear let him hear what the Spirit says…
EVERY one of those rare men, those who I know hear from God directly, live simple lives.
The Messiah says to take up your Cross daily and follow after Him. Now, I have heard MANY interpretations of what Jesus meant by this, but the context is clear as to what the meaning is: Jesus is saying to die to your self every day and follow Him. What I have noted in my OWN walk is that the more caught up, mesmerized, I am by the world, the LESS Holy I feel. I am not led about by my feelings, being a man, but this is one of those times where ‘feeling it’ really matters. The more I ‘beat my flesh into submission’, as Paul said, the closer to God I feel, and the more I actually hear from the Spirit.
Or is that just an illusion?
There was a moment I was used by God to speak at the EXACT MOMENT someone was praying, answering with the EXACT WORDS they were just asking God, in their mind. The Spirit told me what to say and I didn’t hesitate to say it. The girl was moved deeply to know God heard her and had used a complete stranger to prove His love for her. I know she never forgot that day God touched her personally because I haven’t.
So, was I particularly “holy” or separated from the world that day? Well no, exactly the opposite! I had actually been COMPLAINING to God about my job that day and had just worked through back to gratitude when the Spirit told me what to speak to the girl, and to do so immediately. I was just as stunned as she was. She told me she was in mid sentence in her prayer when I spoke.
So what is it that makes one “Holy”? I mean, is it merely a coincidence that George Mueller lived day to day, by whatever God provided to him and his children? Is it merely circumstantial that Brother Kroeze lived a simpler life, when he could hear God speak what I was THINKING? I was there, that was NO parlour trick. Is it of no importance that my friends Lee and Kathy live simply, being used by God to rescue me when I called on Him, sending them ALL THE WAY FROM PERU to my little town in North Carolina, to the church I was attending, God arranging the circumstances for us to meet to be used of God in my rescue? Are you so blind as to believe in coincidence? I cannot TELL you the number of times they stunned me with supernatural knowledge about me.
But Gary Kroeze is more Holy than even they are. He lives real simple. When I mean simple I really mean SIMPLE. His daily meals consisted of whatever Yahweh provided THAT DAY. If he got corn he ate corn; kale, then kale he ate: that was it.
I’ve been pondering this call to simplicity I keep hearing from God; this yearning to be free of the cares of this world, to be closer to JESUS. I want to hear His Voice. I want to be near Him. If Jesus was here in the flesh I would sell all I have and wander after Him, wherever He went. Who wouldn’t, right? Well…Oddly enough…
Many who profess Jesus would not “sell all”: NARROW is the Way that leads to life and FEW there are that find it. This is a mark of the Believer, that he will do whatever it takes to be close to Jesus, will do whatever He says.
I remember when I recognized Jesus in these friends who introduced me to Him. When they moved away I went with them. They thought I wasn’t going to go but I would have walked to wherever they went, I was THAT determined. I sold all I needed to, left everything I needed to, following them until I KNEW I had what they have. Even when I was ready to go out on my own finally I was upset because I truly feared Jesus would not go with me, that He was only there in their house, the Presence of God in them was so rare among those who professed him that I had known. And let me say I have lived in three countries and ~20 US States; I’ve known MANY who claimed the name of Jesus. And yet, at this moment I can count on two hands those I KNOW are Christ’s; TWO HANDS.
Few indeed…
This is the Mark of the Believer, that they would rather die than not be close to Jesus, distraught if they thought they could not be His in every way. The mark that someone is His shows when you can’t get rid of them! You have Jesus and they want to know Him, to BE His. So they will follow you until you give then what they need. Follow up? I’m so SURE.
The Called of God are like the old lady who came to a judge day after day, pestering him to get her case heard and judged on justly. Even though the judge was corrupt he still relented and heard her case because she was SO persistent. If even a worldly corrupt judge will give justice to the persistent how much more will the Father give us the Holy Spirit who ask?
I’ve been a Believer since December 24th, 1993, the day I realized there was nothing more to be done; nothing more that I needed to know; that I had no more questions about how to be a Christian; knew all of what God required of me. I had to DECIDE that day, that second, then. I had to make that leap of faith I had heard so much about; There was no way I could intellectually glean any more useful information. I had to Trust and Obey or be done with following.
I stood at a cliff of my own making, sure of death at my own hand.
Knowing how God could do the saving, needing no more than to lift my hand.
What would I do, standing there in the wind, knowing my sins, that Jesus was waiting?
Needing the Rescue Only Jesus can give, wanting my life to be only His?
Falling I sang, not sure of the outcome; only that He was worth it all to live.
The Bible shows we cannot be lovers of this world and love God too, we have to choose between the two, every day. How far you have to go with that I think the Spirit decides for us individually. But I know this: NOTHING gets between me and Jesus. NOTHING. If I perceive anything is starting to encroach on my relationship with Christ I get rid of it.
I had to tell my fiance’ at the time I was born again that we could no longer do what we were because I knew it was between me and Jesus, between her and Jesus. When she turned her back on me I had to choose between them. She married someone else not that long after.
In NO way am I perfect in this; I fail to choose Jesus sometimes; I transgress. But the Spirit is faithful to bring me right back around to that choice again in Christ’s forgiveness, to teach me where to choose Jesus in it the next time. But sometimes that choice is gone forever; Be very careful to obey the first time… VERY CAREFUL. There are many moments I will not be proud of in eternity.
James 1:27
Pure religion and undefiled before our God and Father is this: to visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.
I’m not sure if hermitage is a requirement for holiness for most of us but Scripture is pretty clear friendship with the world makes you an enemy of God. Seek Yahweh for just what that means in your life. But do remember what Jesus Himself said the “works of God” are:
John 6:29 (WEB)
Jesus answered them, “This is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he has sent.”
My experience with God is that He does in you what He demonstrates you are lacking, especially in Holiness. After all, if we could ‘work up’ holiness why would we need the Spirit of God to make us New Creations?
Think about it…
Note that God says, “You shall be holy; for I am holy.” (1Peter 1:16 WEB)
Not “You must strive to be holy” but that “You shall be holy…”.
If the first fruit is holy, so is the lump. If the root is holy, so are the branches. (Romans 11:16 -WEB)
I am reminded that in my childhood I have always been set apart, different, peculiar. There is never a time in my life when I did not feel ‘outside’, until I came to Jesus. I found then that it was they, those mocked me, who are outside; the world, the lost, the unrepentant. And they shall be set outside, where they are set to go, those who do not desire the things of God, to obey Him.
Who but God Himself can rescue such lost people? Praise be to Yahweh, Jesus can and does, Y’Shua Himself, the Atonement, the Savior, the One and ONLY Messiah of all who love God and look for His coming Kingdom.
Fill me with The Holy Spirit, Father; make me like you, Jesus. Draw me closer and make me yours, more, every day, as You Will it. Amen.
Luke 1:49
For He who is mighty has done great things for me. Holy is his Name.
Patrick Burwell
OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministries
Yes, Gary Kroeze is quite the Spiritual man. I grew more in Yahvah’s Holy Spirit under his leadership in Choteau, Montana, than I have ever since. I was so blessed to learn from him. Would love to see him again.. If any who knows Gary will give him my number, 432-371-3206. Thanks. Til Miller wfm_desertrose@yahoo.com
Till, I may have found Gary. He may be at Bethel.
Hello Patrick,
I know Gary Kroeze personally and met him on about 5 occasions.He has stayed in my home on 2 instances for a few days and i have to say that the Spirit of God in him is powerful in ways it is not without cost. He is a vessel of honour to the gory of God, therefore he is used in powerful ways. I will share one first hand witness account of this, Gary and his wife stayed with us in December 95 and one Saturday, we were sitting in our lounge on a farm we were living on. Gary and i were talking about various things on our three seater couch which was against the large window in our lounge. We both heard a rumbling sound like thunder in the distance, it got closer and closer, almost like explosions going off. Gary said to me, “do you hear that”. I did and had a sense that this was more of a spiritual happening than a physical, Gary then said to me, “this is not normal, this is a spiritual assault of the enemy”. I said as much in agreement. So we both turned around and on our knees facing out the window, we saw an ominous black cloud appearing over head out of the blue.The sense of darkness became even more real. Gary said, “lets pray” and so we did in the spirit and with loud voice looking at the cloud, he rebuked it in Jesus name and virtually instantly before our eyes that cloud broke up and disappeared. Needless to say the days that followed were powerful with lives being impacted and challenged in profound ways. the devil knew defeat those days. I am a first hand account witness to this. As you say, Gary lives a simple faithful life, yet separated from the spirit of this world, this is the price one pays to be close to God and a vessel of honour to His glory.
Thank you George for that insight into the life of such a Godly man. If you ever meet up with him again please tell him I’d like to come visit him.
Thank you George and Til for these reports on Gary Kroeze. So do you all agree it’s a simple, secluded life that makes a Believer so close to God, more filled with His Spirit? Because it does seem so. Maybe being closer to God is the result because they have removed all other voices and waited to learn more familiarity with God’s Voice?
Being close to God is the aim of every Believer; that’s WHY we say, “Maranatha, Come quickly LORD Jesus!” We want Jesus to be closer to us. We want to see His face, look in His eyes, hear His Words, touch His hand. But we do get a tad nervous when someone says, Be more Holy.”, as if it’s gonna cost ya.
James 4:8a Draw nigh to God, and he will draw nigh to you.
Psalm 29:2 Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.
Holiness, to be Holy, is to be set apart, outside, to be by yourself, to be unique. God endeavors to make you different from everyone else. He even goes so far as to call His People “odd”. But what is clear is this is a requirement. And to be Holy isn’t something you can avoid either. You will stick out, try as you might to fit in.
So, will the Spirit of God MAKE you Holy? Clearly, just as He does in everything else God wants made right in you: He does it IN you, Himself. Your sole requirement is to not struggle. The struggle is NOT to struggle. bUt He does call us to Holiness, doesn’t He?
Leviticus 20:7 Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the Lord your God.
When God says “be” He isn’t saying to try harder, He’s saying BE.
(Leviticus 25:12) “For it is the jubile; it shall be holy unto you: ye shall eat the increase thereof out of the field.” The Jubile can’t MAKE itself Holy, it IS ALREADY because God made it so, you are merely to acknowledge that fact in what you do during that time.
So then what does “sanctify” mean?
Exodus 13:2 “Sanctify unto me all the firstborn, whatsoever openeth the womb among the children of Israel, both of man and of beast: it is mine.”
I do have the Spirit of God but He has not told me this is so, it just seems to me that “sanctify” is the action of being “Holy”. You cannot perform this action apart from God. No level of effort is involved here beyond what He calls for. You can become a hermit like Elijah, and hide in caves, and you will be no more sanctified than a man in a brothel. It’s the Spirit of God IN you that makes you able to accomplish the act of sanctity God calls you to. Our willingness is easy, as we love Him Who first loved us. You can no more be proud of being Holy than you are at how tall you are. neither is anything you accomplished. And, do I have to say it? – Pride should never enter into this discussion of Holiness.
I’ve known of foolish men who thought they were so Holy they wore it on their sleeves. And the weak followed them off into the wilderness and died for their lack of discernment.
BE ye Holy as He IS Holy. I cannot change the color of one hair on my head by desiring it than I can to be more or less a Holy Man, so then what is it that makes some so clearly more Holy than others; Other brothers and sisters in Christ obviously more able to hear God voice than you or I can?
To obey is better than sacrifice.
I like to say it this way:
Trust in, rely upon, and adhere to the Person of Jesus Christ.
Holiness isn’t something you catch, and it’s not what you can muster up. It comes from years of walking with God. It’s not something you can teach and I can only tell you what I have learned, being far from where I want to be myself. I have watched the Holy and been humbled, and a bit scared, of what I see in them. So I will just say this, as a friendly New Zealander likes to say allot:
Read the Bible daily and do what it says. Read Proverbs 3:5
The Holy men I’ve known wouldn’t be happy you thought of them in this crowd, so let’s ponder the words of Jesus instead as we look to draw closer to God however we are being called to, as we read in the Bible to do:
Rev 22:12 “And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.”
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries
432-371-3206. Thanks. Til Miller wfm_desertrose@yahoo.com
Thank you George. Tell Gary Id like to see him. Let me know if I can come see him. Tks. -Patrick