What is our standard? What flag are we waving?
Am I following Jesus, or am I following only what I want to?
Do I trust Jesus as King, is He in charge of my life?
Is Jesus LORD of my life?
Is how I am living Honoring Jesus?
Do I pray for those God makes me think about?
..struggling to live, from day to day; worried every moment his children will die…
I heard about a man and his wife, missionaries, in a third world country, being held at gunpoint, being mocked for their faith in Jesus for hours. This couple had to endure Jesus being mocked, just like God said would happen, with slurs like, “Your God has no power!”
I know a Pastor in Pakistan struggling to live, from day to day; worried every moment his children will die for his witnessing about Jesus.
I’ve heard of whole towns being slaughtered in Africa, by Muslims, just because they profess Jesus…
There are Villages in southern Sudan being bombed for Christ’s name sake…
There are Christians being tortured, molested, maimed, and made to live filthy lives, at the lowest of work, mocked every day…
…and those around them say, “Your God doesn’t protect you!”
I think of the families struggling to make ends meet, because their daddy refuses to stop speaking about Jesus. He doesn’t get raises, didn’t get the job he qualified for, all as a result of his testimony, IN THE USA! Did you KNOW that any employer can merely search your name on the internet and see who you are, and then judge your employment, right or wrong, by who you are to them, Let you go “without cause”, just because they don’t like your views, and this government does not question them or hold them accountable any more for such discrimination?
What has happened to our nation? How did this happen?
God’s people, globally, are being murdered, raped, tortured and discriminated against; The stories are everywhere in the news, and by eye witness testimonies, way too many to deny anymore… And now the sanctuary nation for the oppressed is falling to violent men and women bent on bringing oppression back!
"Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves" Proverbs 31:8
I asked a well known politician if he thinks we need a new Crusade. He said he does think that, because in his own country, where my own mother was from, he is struggling against terrorist ideology taking over his country, with their barbaric, God-hating system of world domination. He is in threat for his own life and has to have armed guards everywhere he goes, all because he refuses to back down and let evil men run his nation. IS HE WRONG? He is a Christian defending HIS nation!
My step-mother’s mom grew up in Nazi Germany, Heidi Emmert, as a young woman, while Hitler and his evil men murdered millions of people in defiance of God, many their own. I struggle with what she went through.; I struggle with how to respond to what I am seeing here in the USA. She had terrible guilt over what she had not done to defend the weaker, the oppressed, when she could. She went to her grave a torn and grief-stricken woman, because she had not ACTED when she could. She said to me they all knew, but were too afraid to speak, too comfortable with their prosperity, their nationalism, and too afraid of the terrible rumors. She said they, she, had satisfied themselves that the rumors were only lies, because the alternative was too terrible to face. My dear, sweet Oma said she loved God dearly and that poor, gentle, God-Saved woman wept bitterly in front of me when she told me what she had witnessed, what she had been too afraid to do or say. She is with Jesus now, her weeping is done, and I thank God for that, but I can’t help but struggle over what is happening in our own country: It’s all just too similar to what Oma told me happened to Germany:
The first nation the Nazis conquered was their own…
Dietrich Bonhoeffer began speaking against the Nazis when he was a pastor in Germany, but he tried to remain, “Not of this world”, in doing so, initially. Dietrich tried to remain aloof of the political issues, as Christians were taught to. But, gradually, he realized he had a responsibility before God to stop Hitler and the evil people he surrounded himself with; Stop them from oppressing people weaker than himself. Pastor Bonhoeffer realized that as a Christian Pastor he had to lead the charge against evil. This Christian Leader was eventually BEHEADED by Hitler for his defiance, refusing to leave his fellow prisoners when the rebellion had secured his escape; Hitler order his death personally.
Pastor Bonhoeffer could have escaped and hid but he refused and died with his fellow prisoners.
Today, in the USA, there is a popular song about being the “hands and feet” of God. Well, I have to ask, just how does that look when His own are being oppressed, and we can do something to stop them?
Her desperately heart wrenching, “Ich habe nichts getan! Nichts!”, still tears at my soul. “I did nothing, nothing!”
Do you still believe Socialism is a Christian system?
Don’t be so ridiculous… Jesus was NOT a Socialist
Remember the parables…
Men can wantonly commit acts of evil, unchecked, unopposed, while professing Christians do nothing. Shall we really do nothing, shall we just go get another movie, eat our popcorn, and forget our responsibilities as God’s People? We’re comfortable, right, so why bother? THAT is the evil of cowardice. We can justify all manner of evil by claiming we can’t stop them, swearing we didn’t know, or refusing to believe it’s our responsibility before God, but it’s all playing “the fearful”, being a coward. REPENT.
Will our prosperity be brought to nothing for our evil complacency? Father God, please rescue us from these lies that are ruining our nation, stop the Anti-Christ’s from destroying this sanctuary nation.
PRAY WITH ME every day at 1500 EST to stop evil from destroying the United States of America
And then ACT…
Do we hear the cries of the German people for letting Hitler murder millions; Will we let this happen again?
Will you stand with men like Geert Wilders in the Netherlands, refusing to allow evil to take over our nation as well?
Shall we do nothing as America descends into Socialism?
Is our responsibility as God’s people only to tell how their sins can be forgiven by what Jesus did for them, or do we also make Disciples to Jesus, teaching bravery over fear, Citizenship over worthlessness, Biblical standards over depravity, Action over Complacency?
Shall we do nothing to protect the weak, the oppressed, in this world?
What would Jesus do, today?
Well, let me ask you, would you defend your own family, should someone come charging in with their rifles and swords, to kill, rape and torture? You can bet I will defend my family, and, if you have any SENSE, you will too (He is WORSE than an unbeliever, he who does not provide for his own family). So if you will defend your family, what about other families? Or are you so indoctrinated you are a worthless Christian?
I cannot believe how many have been raised to be gutless, spineless wimps. What have we done to our children?
“Don’t tell me you are a Jew, show me your grandchildren.” is how an old Jewish proverb on living by example to your family goes. And so we say also now, “Don’t tell me you are a Christian, show me your grandchildren!”
Will I defend my 80 year old widow neighbor, who doesn’t seem to have one nice thing to say to me; Will We defend her too? Yes, we will. We will even defend the gutless from those who want to hurt them; Even them. So, how about the families on your street? Will you protect them from harm?
Let’s go a bit further now…
Let’s get to the heart of the matter
Are Christians going to send weapons to their brothers in, say, Pakistan, so they can defend themselves from evil men? Will you vote in representatives who will use your taxes to do so? Why would that question shock you? Have you been so indoctrinated by socialist teachers you now believe Christianity is for the WEAK MINDED? Did Jesus say to the Roman Soldier, “Quit your job, you can’t be a soldier, Christians are pacifists!” Nope! He merely told him to be just and grateful; Jesus told a A Roman solider to be a good soldier!
Seriously, now, will you go and rescue the oppressed, if you can? Then why not help them rescue themselves too by voting in strong-hearted leadership? Would you believe American Pastors think voting is not our problem? Not only should Christians vote, and strive for fair voting too, but they should run for office; WE MUST LEAD people not only to Jesus but to His Lordship.
Israel cried for a King when they saw all the nations around them with a King over them; They were not satisfied with a leader who went to God and pointed them to Him for their guidance. So after they angered Him enough God gave them Saul. And Saul was an evil man, as is clearly seen in the Scriptures. Biden is our Saul, will we learn our lesson and run back to Jesus and those who look to Him for their guidance?
Will you not stop evil men and women from coming into power, like my Oma did not stop Hitler? Or will you claim, like a coward, that it’s not your responsibility? Before Hitler murdered Jews, he was voted into office and Christians did nothing to stop him; Some even voted for Hitler!
“I’m just one person, what can I do?”, said every coward ever. Will you DARE to stand by and claim it’s not your problem because, “We are not of this world?”
Did you know COWARDICE is actually a terrible Sin?
Revelation 21:8 (KJV) – “But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.”
See what God says? Cowardice is sin rewarded with the Lake of Fire like murder.
Psalm 82:3-4
Defend the poor and the fatherless.
Do justice to the afflicted and needy.
Deliver the poor and needy.
Free them from the hand of the wicked.
But Christian leaders say these verses, and those like them, are for the rulers of the people, not for the people themselves to obey. WHERE DOES IT SAY THAT? Doesn’t God Himself say for you to deliver them, Christian?
Read what a real man of God has written on defending the weak as he spoke about gun control laws and self defense:
Dr. Peter Hammond, of Frontline Missions in AFRICA…
We are not to “do justly”, not to “love mercy”; We are not to “Free them from the hand of the wicked”?
Clearly God does require Believers to not only be “light” in witnessing God’s Gospel and Law in this world, but are also to be “salt”, to be an example of Godliness, His representation in the world, as well, in what we do. We are to show the results of the mercy, compassion, justice and holiness of God, on and in us, in how we respond to those who do evil.
Isa 56:1 Keep justice and do righteousness.
So, what do you say? Are you in, or will you continue to walk behind spineless children claiming to be Christianity’s leaders? Well known leaders in Evangelicalism actually advocate pacifism or downright inaction, as the Biblical standard. That is really easy to say from the comfort of your easy chair, firmly planted in a nation that is free, isn’t it? Go call Dr. Peter Hammond and tell him what you think about, “Not getting involved.”, Vodie Baucham; Go give your lame justifications to the 50+ PASTORS that signed the Declaration of Independence, defying England, rebelling against the rulers of their time. Were they wrong, Pastor Baucham? Is Dr. Hammond wrong Vodie? Don’t you owe them an apology and repentant actions?
So, how about you, reader, can you say that as well, living in the privilege of those who sacrificed before you; Can you now say that your freedom isn’t your problem to keep? Can you go to Arlington Cemetery and tell the widows of those dead servicemen they were wrong to die for their country? (You’d better wear some good running shoes if you dare to try!)
So what am I saying? I ask you, shall we provide aid and military support to Believers, and others being oppressed, here and around the world? Food and shelter is one thing, but being able to defend themselves is another, isn’t it? Wil you work to ensure free and fair elections again in this nation, and around the world? Will you run for office when no Godly examples arise? Think about it, because, as you see, I am.
If you voted Democrat in 2020, you ain’t Christian!
-or you are seriously deluded!
Who you vote for will decide what people gets the aid, military supplies, and support of the USA; If you voted Democrat, you ain’t Christian, or are seriously deluded.
You may as well turn in your Bible and STOP claiming to be a Christian if you,
1. Don’t vote, and don’t work to keep voting fair
2. Vote for the Ant-Christ Democrats

54 M I L L I O N Evangelicals did not BOTHER to vote in 2008, 2012, 2016, and sexual deviates ran the executive branch for 8 years. And then 159 Million votes were cast by 133 Million registered voters in the USA 2020 Presidential election; Clearly something is corrupt in the USA.
If our Evangelicals refuse to be God’s Representatives and these corrupted representatives continue to be allowed to steal our nation, then evil will rule, and our beautiful sanctuary will be gone, forever.
If America goes down it will be FALSE CHRISTIANITY that is the first who is responsible for killing our beautiful freedom-loving land.
www.HowWillYouDo.org has a Christianity test. If you cannot pass this test you’d better rethink whose you are, and then do what that test says.

Go and be as God’s people must, every day, because these two in our Whitehouse, now in 2021, will destroy us all if left unchecked…
Patrick Burwell
OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries
(all emphasis in the scriptures quoted is mine and not in the original texts)
BTW, read this image of the Money Matters report from the www.AJC.com Financial section, look carefully (click the picture below to expand), and see Biden’s Tax Plan for our nation!
His plan raises taxes 20% on Capital gains and Dividends, raises taxes on Small Business by 20%, and a 15% (to 52%) tax hike on Payroll tax for EVERY AMERICAN WORKER! What you are paying for your income now will go up 15-20% more, to 52%!!! The Corp tax hike is 7%!
Didn’t Biden claim Corporate America would pay the highest taxes?