Salvation Is For Sale, Says Roman Catholic Priest

Straight from the lips of a Priest:
Saying Anything To Keep You Paying Prov 10:12 says, “Hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all offenses.” But a Roman Catholic Priest says this verse means you can buy salvation, on a video of a Q&A session for the debate the priest had with Dr. James White
The answer from this Catholic representative should put to rest the question on whether the Roman Catholic religion is a Christian denomination.
Truth is a not a relative concept, what is absolute truth will always BE true, absolutely.
For instance, two plus two are four. That is axiomatic: this is an absolute truth.
One BILLION years from now two plus two will still be four.
When Jesus said, “IAM, The way, The Truth, and The Life. No man comes to the Father but by me.”, He was making an absolute truth statement. There was no quantification, as this Priest would have you to believe. Jesus did not qualify His axiom that He Alone is the Savior with something like indulgences or a twist of Proverbs 10:12 to say that love will get your sins paid. “…it’s pay now or pay later.”, was nowhere to be found in what Jesus said of Himself.

No, the REAL problem with Roman Catholic dogma is one of retention.
The Roman Catholic hierarchy are so afraid to lose paying customers they will say anything, DO anything, to keep them…
This could easily be an ad in a Catholic paper, if they were HONEST about what they say, as this priest agt least was:
Want your sins forgiven and don’t want that nasty little problem of DIEING to SELF? Tired of being told you have to REPENT, TURN, from your lies, your stealing, your lusting? Not so sure purgatory is a real option? Not too sure you want to face persecution at work for being odd in not joining into all the nasty reindeer games in the office? Needing a nice salve for your conscience?
Well, say no more!
Just pay your way to Heaven! We want you to stay so lets us help you scratch those itchy ears!
Remember, It’s “Pay now or pay later!”

And this false religion leads MILLIONS straight to Hell!
The right question to ask at this point is, “Are You Good Enough to Avoid Hell?”
Take the test while you still can:

Patrick J. Burwell
Founder, President Ministries