
“Pride” Day, June 2, 2024

Preaching at PrideFest 2024

Preaching without rancor or conflict to homosexuals. See

The day was quiet, except for a couple of crazies yelling as you can hear in the background; We had a few folks come up and ask us what we were doing and talk to us.

In the picture above you can see a young man named Aaron who was quite interested in hearing more because he expected me to be harsh, and condemning and when I wasn’t it surprised him. His friend started getting a little worried and asked, “Are you straight now?” You can tell the one in the sunglasses clearly was concerned that he was losing Aaron.

The other fella nodded alot during the conversation and was listening intently. It’s not hard to reach the lost when you come at them from a place of humility and understanding. Aaron took a picture of me and the website and I’m sure we’re going to hear from him.

There was a lot of people who took selfies with me, and several who came along and just took my picture and kept going. I’m not sure what they were hoping to accomplish, but I’m hoping it was because they were interested and not because they were going to try and cause us a problem. But you can’t really avoid that can you?

There’s a whole lot of folks out there that think Christianity is a bunch of hard judgmentalism and they don’t understand that we’re no better than they are, we just know the truth and we’re trying to share it with them. That’s the best way to handle any conversation with the homosexual because they’re expecting you to condemn them and yet I didn’t even have to bring his deviance up with Aaron – we talked about how many times he lied and stole. Pray for him and let’s hope he responds with reality to what I said to him that really rang his Bell: “You can be free if you want to be.”

After I said that to him he asked me, “Yeah but what about the way I am”, to which I said that God will sort him, and not to worry.

I thought I was going to get a sunburn but didn’t surprisingly.

A funny interaction occurred right when I set up, as a large man came by and said something along the lines of, “Wow you can’t let us have our pride, to which, I replied, “What are you proud about?”

One startling moment occurred when an even larger guy in combat uniform came up and shook my hand and said, Thank you very much for being out here.*, but he had said it in such a rough voice it made me jump. I smiled meekly and shook his hand and said something quietly like,  You’re welcome”, as he stomped away in his combat boots. He clearly wasn’t enjoying seeing all this nonsense out here.

As a friend of mine says, “Let the world pull them together and then you go and preach the gospel to them”

Until His Return,

Patrick Burwell,

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