…the real issue is the enforcement by the will to prosecute…
Justice Kavanaugh said, “ (Removing POTUS Immunity is) going to cycle back and be used against the current president or the next president … and the next president and the next president after that.”
Oh, do you mean like what has been happening to President Trump for months now? How is that “Presidential Immunity”, you claim to be so sacrosanct, working out for Donald Trump? He keeps getting dragged into court, over, and over.
Justice Kavanaugh, existing and previous POTUS office holders’ continued abuse using ‘legalized’ means, like absurd executive orders, as dictators do, without expecting push back, is why we need the SCOTUS to step POTUS immunity back, or make it impervious. I mean, how is that immunity stopping the present abuse of a former President right now?
There is, again, a need for meaningful adjustment of the powers of the office of POTUS, for needful Constitutional correction, to put a stop to the real abuse of the power, of the Office of President of the United States of America, by the scrutiny of sound Law; What YOU must do, Brett, is stop these sham trials of a former President. There never was any, is not now, any justification for these attacks against President Trump, based on existing immunity. Yet EXISTING POTUS IMMUNITY DOES NOT SEEM TO STOP THEM. Why not add that no President can even be called into court by any but the other two branches of government, and never by anyone over his actions and what he says during his term, while you are at it? Would that not stop these show trails? A vote of no confidence can remove the PM of most nations, why not a President, not that I want an election ever 6 months, like the absurdity of Israeli elections. But something better must be implemented to STOP political lawfare.
Yes, I DO say every President must be subject to legal correction, every one, but by whom must be severely restricted. If you cannot properly interpret law to protect the nation from compromised Presidents, or at the very least the abuse of law against them, then allow prosecution of the office holder’s conduct, or these power hungry men can continue to do whatever they choose; Obama and Biden have proofed this out for you already! Are you even aware of what they have done, Justice Kavanaugh? Set a danged precedent, NOW, that NO PRESIDENT can be even be indicted, or we may as well all go and start a new nation by legal secession (and this time none can stop us).
But, of course, the real issue is the enforcement by the will to prosecute; Republicans like you notoriously lack the strength of character to correct a sitting President, but never have any real issue with prior Republican holders being grilled. Or, why do your comments not seem to want to protect us all from Presidents abusing their power; or isn’t what a Democrat does a crime too?
Maniacal Democrats regularly use any ‘LawFare’, with whatever outrageously twisted logic they want, to stop their opponents, to further their self-aggrandizement. What makes you think continued Presidential Immunity is a good idea, at this point? Or shouldn’t Obama and Biden be scrutinized? Where is Trump’s protection if any DA can pull him into a courtroom and ABUSE HIM?
I do believe in the corrective model of the three branches of government, but States should have ZERO right to prosecure a President outside of those three branches, so then, what the heck?
SCOTUS: Defend Presidential Immunity, and then make it stronger, but don’t claim the existing protection for Presidents is working.
What a sad state of affairs this nation is in; DISGUSTING.
This legal system has become a big USELESS mess that God Himself will have to fix. The Standard God gave has been so muddied by man you can make law say anything you want, as long as you have the money and the will to push your agenda. Well, so be it.
Until that Glorious Day Y’Shua, Jesus Himself, re-establishes The Standard as Immutable as intended, litigious warfare MUST be part of the Conservative arsenal, or they lose. So, Mr. Kavanaugh, do, ‘put up’ or just step down, because your comments are worthless for resolution, so far.
Justice Kavanaugh Warns of Vicious Cycle of Malicious Prosecutions That Could End Presidency https://link.theepochtimes.com/mkt_app/us/justice-kavanaugh-warns-of-vicious-cycle-of-malicious-prosecutions-that-could-end-presidency-5638961?utm_source=andshare