We were supposed to go to Dover in Delaware… but Jesus had another idea.
We were trying to get to the wedding of Joyce’s youngest brother Eric. We had spent some monies to get there, to have the clothes needed for the family, to have some semblance of a present for Eric and Heather, but, God changed the plan…
Meet Raul Pille…
Raul and I met because we had to stay overnight in East Norristown, PA when our only car broke down on the highway. I had an accident in the other one two weeks before and, as a result, was able to pay the loans off from the insurance pay out. Thank you Jesus! And so, once we were towed to a Pep Boys, we found out a part was needed they didn’t have and “ended up” at Raul’s Motel 6, where he was the manager on duty.
I found while speaking to Mr. Pille that he knew the Way of the Master very well and had been suffering for being a Christian in the Hotel industry. He said that back in India he could speak freely about Jesus, even to Hindus! But here in the USA, in the land of the free and the place of refuge for the oppressed, where Christian Missionaries are sent all around the world from, Raul gets fired for daring to mention Jesus on the job. Well that sure sounds FAMILIAR.
We had a great time of fellowship, which was nice, considering it was Sunday and Raul was being forced to work, and I was from out of town, so we didn’t know any churches in the area.
Joyce and I were able to encourage Raul and I gave him a book Ray signed and sent me back in 2006, but which finally got to me only last week, called, “Thanks a Million: An adventure in biblical evangelism.”
Even this present management Raul works for has made it clear he cannot be overt in his faith. Wow. What has happened to the Land of the Gospel?
Meet Robert…
We met Robert on the cab drive back to get our car. Robert professed to be a Christian but when confronted with his sin, using the Law for which it was designed, Robert saw he was in big trouble. He heard the Gospel and thanked me a LOT for taking the time to tell him.
And our whole family got to see daddy in action as a Minister.
I was very encouraged.
I gave out tracts to many people that weekend; I spoke to quite a variety of Americans. The Asian mechanic, Don Tran, who realized the problem and fixed our car for MUCH less than we anticipated. I could tell Tran was disturbed by the Law because we never even got to the Gospel.
The same weekend I encountered a young lady named Kaylie, who, as I handed her and her friend the “Are You Good Enough to go to Heaven?” tract, stopped me to say her friend’s actual name is Heaven. We laughed over whether we were good enough people for this “heaven”. But this Heaven was the type of woman that sneers at the mention of Jesus. She was more interested in her Android phone and her cigarette and was quite happy when I left. Once I got to the Gospel with Kaylie her “heavenly” friend tried to stop the conversation. I ignored the snarling female and made sure Kaylie got the whole Gospel and our ministry contact card.
We had many encounters and most were people I would never have met if my wife and I had not ignored the car when it gave us the sign the trip was over (how would we know, we aren’t mechanics). We ended up spending money we really couldn’t afford, but we are in Yahweh’s Hand, and the Holy Spirit orchestrated evangelism for all who heard it.
So, Mark Cahill was right…
If you mean it when you say Jesus is LORD then ask Him to run you wherever He wants, however He wants. Then be ready to speak and to act because Yahweh desires to save anyone He can because God is good.
So, reader, if you died today are you sure you are ready to face God? Go to http://HowWillYouDo.org and BE CERTAIN you are right with your Creator TODAY.
DON’T let another day go by being unsure…
…You MAY not get another.
Joyce and I realized that the car died (ran out of fuel actually) at JUST the right moment. We could easily have been killed on that dangerous stretch of construction barriers if we ran out just a hundred feet sooner. As God chose, we were able to coast to a construction vehicle entrance to keep from being run down.
The whole happened over a little 5 cent, 5 amp fuse that controlled the gas gauge:
God does indeed use the humble things to confound the wise.
As I got in my car at my last encounter that weekend, to the tune of the growling young woman named Heaven saying, “Get in the car… let’s go.”, to her friend Kaylie, I asked Kaylie whether she knew what today was. “Mother’s Day?”, she said, to which I replied,
“The day of your salvation.“
Heaven sneered and flicked her cigarette… Kalie nodded smiling…
…tracts in hand.
God IS Good.
Patrick Burwell