Dr Gail Riplinger’s New Age Bible Version Tract – A must-have resource for every serious Christian.
Every Believer will run into the problem of what Bible translation to use. Which translation is good; Which translation is accurate; Which translations are just corrupt, never to be accepted? And, of course, we’re only talking about English language translations; Far too many languages only have one version even to work with, unfortunately. But it is of utmost importance to know what Bible you can trust.
So which ones do we use?
Ms. Riplinger has drawn some unnecessary conclusions…But this does not, in any way, lesson her body of work as the valued resource it is.
While I trust the KJV version is the right one to trust in, it’s not so much a point of contention to break Fellowship over, just as long as the differences aren’t trying to be used to corrupt the message. And yet, it is important to know what Bible translations you can trust.
…the translators of the KJV made a terrible habit of removing Hebrew references and cultural indicators…
I love the KJV versions, but I have a real issue with “Jehovah” being used, instead of “YHWH”, or “Yahweh” or LORD. And the translators of the KJV made a terrible habit of removing Hebrew references and cultural indicators of the Jewishness of the Gospel, and of the Bible as a whole. After all Jesus said*,
“Salvation is of the Jews.”
Dr. Ripplinger has spent a lifetime researching Bible translations and determining which ones are trustworthy; I find her work exceptional and so will you. As with any individual who has spent so much time on a single matter, Ms. Riplinger has drawn some unnecessary conclusions from being too close to her subject. But this does not, in any way, lesson her body of work as the valued resource it is.
I do like what Ray Comfort did with his Evidence Bible, and I use this one to witness with, but it is the KJV I use as my final source for study.
And no, I will never use the NIV. Ever. If you have to ask why then you did not read the tract. Do that FIRST before commenting.
In His Care, for His Glory,
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries