Let’s not run with the masses

Our job is not to coerce obedience to Jesus

In the dream Jesus showed me many things about what I have been anxious about, what I can not be concerned with anymore and where my focus should be.

Let me share it with you…

As the details of the dream were for me to understand, given specifically for me to get, I will merely give you the gist.

We are not to run with the masses.

We live in a world that is beautiful but broken, and that beyond any repair we can manufacture. And in this place we have several categories of people we interact with every day…

Vultures, Brigands, Professional Liars and Soldiers

The “huddled masses”, as the Statue of Liberty calls the people in general, are much more than that definition. The masses are where we Believers came from, these Vultures, Brigands or the Professional Liars that rule them. And we have no possible hope of getting the masses to obey God; to Honor Jesus in what they do (like in who they choose for their leaders). We may possibly get a Believer elected but the Vultures, Professional Liars, Brigands and Soldiers will hate him, not being one of them anymore. No, this is not what we are here for; our job is not to coerce obedience from people.

So what of civility?
Don’t Christians provide civil law to follow? Well no, actually. Since this nation was founded on documents that refused to name the “God”, the “Creator”, they refer to, we have had a secular humanist/universal religious society, interpreting “God” however they choose. The Civil Law in society is not God’s Law. Though their laws do indeed borrow from God’s Law, they use only what they can stomach. Their Civil Law is designed to keep everyone civil… but it was never established to honor God, to bring you to Peace with God, and that is the problem. NO LAW can make you right with Yahweh, God the Father. Even God’s Law cannot do that. Law was never designed for that. God’s Law, the Ten Commandments and all those that come from them, can only bring you to the foot of the blood-stained Cross to repent, no further. Man’s civil laws can only ensure civilization continues, not true civility. Only God can bring Peace.


So let’s clarify who we all are…

The Vulture lives for himself, cowering in fear at any interruption of his feeding, ever worried he will have what he wants taken from him. The vulture lives for himself and chooses to rule over him only those who keep him well fed. The Vulture cannot be trusted to obey Jesus.

The Brigand beats his living from the rest of the masses, caring for none but those who get him what he wants; The Brigand is a brute and runs afoul of the laws of men often. The Brigand cannot be trusted to obey Jesus.

The Professional Liars are the rulers of the masses, both small and great. The Professional Liar has no concern for anyone but from whom he can glean control and power from; The Professional Liar cannot be trusted to obey Jesus. You may indeed get Christians in political office but the Professional Liars will see they are removed (even killed), or at least reduced to worthlessness. Our history has proven this out over and over again.
Am I saying Christians, Believers, should never run for office? No, I am not. But they must be clear that their worth is not found in what they may accomplish as a politician. The Believer in a political office needs to understand he cannot get very much done there. His calling is to God Himself and to seek the lost wherever they can be found, just like all the rest of the Believers.

The Soldiers are former Brigands and Vultures that now live by a code of conduct.
The code they live by is good, but only to a point. They declare it’s wrong to lie, cheat, steal and murder, but their Civil Law rejects the Creator as Jesus, God Himself. Their law rejects the notion of acknowledging Jesus as LORD. The Soldiers are civil and generally reasonable but they will not stand for the Christian God. The Soldier only knows his next mission and he follows the orders of the Professional Liars, just as long as the Professional Liars don’t violate their code too much. The Soldier is the force in the masses. He maintains civil authority for the Professional Liars and keeps the Brigands from hurting too many people. The Soldier lives by a good code, generally, but he is a bought man: he will do what he is told. Countless wars have proven this fact.  The Soldier cannot be trusted to do anything but his next mission; The Soldier does not trust in Jesus. Indeed the Soldier will have to obey Satan eventually.
Am I saying Believers cannot be Soldiers? No, obviously not. But the Believer must know he will give his life away to futile struggles in such a role.

Never too far
And finally, The Believer is a former Vulture, Brigand, Soldier and in very rare instances former Professional Liars, though I find this concept unprovable and very unlikely. The Believer has surrendered to Jesus all control of his life, trusts in Jesus ALONE to be his Lord and Master. None of the masses can understand the Believer and many despise him for not running to the same excesses they do any more. Such is the life of the Believer but…

The Believer cannot run with the masses anymore.

The marks of the Believer are clear:

Believers are God’s and work to do His Will on Earth, not their own.
The Believer can be trusted to obey Jesus.
The Believer has NO OTHER ALLEGIANCE but Jesus.

On Coercion
So now let’s touch on what we do with “the masses.” You can indeed coerce all these different types in the masses to do what you know is right, in a myriad of ways, but in no way should you do so. Such coercion, done in your own will, is as the sin of witchcraft.
Paul used the Code of the Soldiers to get out of being flogged once, and at other times he did not. So his precedent shows us that this IS allowed, but that only God decides who, when and where such coercion is allowed; God will set up the circumstance, and He alone decides and will guide us in this by His Spirit. If Jesus coerces someone then His actions are not sin, but if you try to then you are committing terrible sin.
That should be easy enough to understand, right?

So what of God’s Justice and the Law of God?
Well here is where we have our mission, OUR Job. The Commander gave us the marching orders long ago to be as wise as serpents and as harmless as Doves as we seek the Lost from among the masses of Vultures, Brigands, Soldiers and yes, even Professional Liars (with Yah all things are indeed possible).
We seek the Lost from an eternal gratitude to Jesus for rescuing us from that sterile life the masses still suffer in; We seek the Lost For rescuing us from our sin’s payment, that we all so desperately deserve. And so our gratefulness then drives us to seek to rescue as many others as we can. This is the right attitude, the right heart, the Believer receives from God.

We love the world as God does, knowing who they are, always remembering where we came from. We use the Law as a mirror to show others their need for the Life-Saving Surgery only the Good Doctor Jesus can perform. We are the Found that was Lost, the Rescued Wretches seeking to save some other Wretches along the way. So seek on.

Doom, despair and agony… on who?

Where, then, is this worry over who rules the huddled, fear-filled, sin burdened masses? We get caught up in their struggles when we are confused about what we are here to do. Hopefully this message has helped clarify our mission a bit more, as it did for me. And now, hopefully, you can see more clearly, and are at rest among the chaos around us. Go on just being the Wise Doves we are called to be in a world in dire need of saving. Seek the lost.

And, as you do, plead God’s Case, as the healed patient you are. to the Others who also need the Doctor’s Surgery, knowing where you came from and from what you were delivered:

Be as compassionate with the masses as God has been with you; As Jesus is with them…

Honor Jesus and Bless His Name with your life. Amen.

If you have NO CLUE what I’ve been talking about then go here and take this self-evaluation immediately; you have NO PROMISE of tomorrow.
150,000 people die EVERY DAY, that’s more than 2 every second. The Bible says FEW there are that find the path that leads to God’s Eternal Life, so pay attention.

TODAY is the Day of Salvation

If you are reading this, and are one of the unsure ones, Jesus desires to save you. God gets no pleasure from the destruction of the wicked, Yahweh desires all to repent and trust in His Son Y’Shua, Jesus, as their Lord and Savior. Jesus said that He has come to bear the burden for our sins. Run to Him, all of you who are weary and heavily burdened by the guilt of your sin, you who know you deserve God’s anger. Jesus has come to call the sinner to repentance, the liar, the thief, the adulterer, the homosexual, to give you rest for your souls, to free you from your fear of sin and death. For Jesus says,
 Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30

But if you doubt your Salvation, or don’t know why you even NEED saving, take the test at http://HowWillYouDo.org
Check yourself, while you STILL HAVE TIME.

…For either you are willingly broken upon The Rock of God’s Salvation in this life, not getting what you have earned for yourself – or – in the Judgement to come, that same Rock will give you, and all who refuse Yahweh’s Gracious rescue, what they do deserve, and God will crush to powder all who reject Jesus as Lord and Messiah.

God bless!

Patrick Burwell
OnlyJesusSaves.com Ministries