In a growing culture of resentment and persecution Christians must keep evangelizing
Is there any Christian in the USA that has not noticed the trend? Have you, brothers and sisters, not recognized the rise of anti-Christ sentiments, akin to the culture in Nazi Germany? So what are you doing to seek the Lost?
Have you noted the turn against Christ by employers? The very attitude of the majority of employers in America today is one of derision toward Christ and Christian beliefs. American employers may soon be as blatant in their declarations as Hitler was, that to believe in Jesus and obey His Word is a deluded, mentally unstable, and even criminal way of thinking! Employers are already actively engaged in forcing Christians to declare a lie for the truth in their ‘diversity’ and ‘sensitivity’ training. This ‘training’ is actually where the sexually deviate and idol worshippers are defended as victims and Christ followers depicted as hateful and bigoted.
Don’t believe me? Just TRY and get hired at Google today, Christian, without being forced to declare sexual deviance as not only NOT sin, as God calls it in the Bible, but must say Homosexuality, lesbianism and transvestitism is simply an “alternative lifestyle” that is as good and as wholesome as Biblical relationships. After all, as corporate diversity and sensitivity training already imply, the Biblical standards of relationship are now considered dogmatic, closed-minded, backward, intolerant, hateful and even criminal to believe!
How far America has fallen
America, the nation that evangelized the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ, now calls sin good and righteousness criminal.

Our nation does now, arrest, fire, and try to destroy with ridicule those who stand on what God says is true and right, all while these ‘upright’ citizens that persecute us for being cruel murder their own children! This holocaust is being conducted at such an alarming rate that Americans have already murdered the equivalent of every child in every senior class in every High School of this nation. And the people of this country founded to declare the Gospel to the all the nations continues to mount up the heaps of bodies daily to the tune of over 53 MILLION children, since 1973. “Abortion” is the murder of your own children and this is a CLEAR sign of God’s Wrath against this people (see for the horrid details).
America is, and has been for some time, ICABOD,
…the Spirit of God has left…
But what? Do we now run and live in communes in the hills? Do we hide ourselves, in hopes no one will know we are one of those “haters” now being publicly condemned? Well, yes, it IS wise to be silent, and even run, as Paul did, when you know the result will be persecution, unless you know you shouldn’t. I, for one, unless the Lord Jesus commands it, will not allow my children to suffer because I witness at my workplace. I am not hired to witness at work, so I remain silent at work. I do pray for my co-workers, and that is definitely what is needed there. I remain silent while at work, but, as soon as I go out of my workplace, as soon as I am no longer “on the job” I take every opportunity and seek the Lost.
And so should you, brother… whether it’s convenient or not…
Recently we had an ‘eat-in’ of sorts, at Chick-fil-a, where Christians came from miles around to let the owners know we stand with them for Truth, using our wallets and pocketbooks to prove it. While there I was reminded of what is known, among Christian circles, as the “recitivism rate” in evangelism. A large convention of professed Christians recently released the records of their evangelistic outreaches. They found that more than 80% of those who made a profession of faith at their crusades ‘fell away’, having never actually become Christians. So, knowing that only 2 out of 10 of the professing Christians waiting in line at the Chick-fil-a were likely to actually be Christians, I preached the Gospel, confident that I was reaching many of the lost:
Jonathan here was the first one to claim to be a good person when I preached the Good Person Test from our outreach website
Even his friends recognized his error right away, but he still maintained he was “better than most”, until he saw himself in the light of God’s Law, the Ten Commandments. Jonathan was grateful to know the truth at the end of the test and how he could be assured of his right relationship with God through Jesus alone.
Many heard the exchange…
As the night progressed I interviewed Bill, who was gracious enough to answer loud enough so all could hear how Jesus saved him from what he so justly deserved (That was well done Bill)!
The picture is blurred, but you can still see the BIG smile on Bill’s face in knowing he got to be a part of declaring Jesus in public!
DO NOT let what the world does with Jesus and His messengers stop you from speaking the truth.
So maybe you think you are too timid to speak in public; I grant you it takes a unique perspective to overcome your fear and lift up your voice! But you could give out a tract, couldn’t you?

You can get the business sized cards made, like we do, and hand them out or just leave them places. has some GREAT business sized Gospel tracts.
Or you could call and encourage others who witness… maybe support their efforts?
I saw Covenant Transport had taken a stand against Abortion and I applaud them for it!
But though they are standing for Life, that still isn’t the Gospel, is it?
I believe EVERY Christian should stand against the American Holocaust of Abortion, and if they don’t I SERIOUSLY DOUBT their Christianity is REAL, but being Pro-Life just isn’t the Gospel. A friend does use the Abortion battle, however, to preach the Gospel, and he does so very well…
But whatever you do, Christian, don’t let your life pass, don’t even let another day go by, without sharing your faith in Jesus with a stranger in some way.
Remember, our lives are but a vapor, as God has said. Live it anticipating your first face to face moment with Jesus, working for the day He will say,
“Well done, good and faithful servant… enter into My Rest.”
Be involved with whatever you want, but do it all to seek the Lost and Honor Jesus in doing so. After all, Jesus DOES command EVERY Believer to preach the Gospel to EVERY one you can; Don’t even bother to argue with me that He doesn’t. You know you are in sin to even try.
Until Christ Calls us Home…
Patrick Burwell,