I’m afraid for my little boy jack.
Will Jack be safe? I’m afraid my little 4 year old boy will worry he doesn’t have enough to eat, will he be warm enough? I’m afraid…
Because, when I look at what is happening all around us, I see many like me who cannot find work; I see so many of my neighbors worried about tomorrow. I have felt the fear of wondering how I will keep my children safe, pay the mortgage, clothe my family.
And this should not be.
You may think this an arrogant statement, but I live in the United States of America. I live in the Land of Jefferson, Washington and Madison. I live in Pennsylvania, the home of Benjamin Franklin. We should be safe.
Of all the nations, of all the places, in this world, HERE should be the MOST secure.
So what has happened? Why would this nation, this state, this people, of all the peoples of this world, EVER need to be worried about taking care of their families? Because America is asleep and enemies have crept in.
Just now, as I wrote these very words, my little boy was huddling in the corner, cold. Now, it’s not because he doesn’t have enough, we do, for now, but just the THOUGHT that my little man would ever have to be worried about being warm makes me SMOKIN’ ANGRY, motivates me like NOTHING else CAN, to defend him, to stand in defense of our nation, Jack’s nation; To fight for what is RIGHT, is right, so Jack never, ever worries.
I jumped up and got him warm RIGHT AWAY, wouldn’t you?
What has overcome our nation?
The American people, in our selfishness, have allowed our Representation to believe they can take their paychecks and NOT DO THEIR JOBS, to think they dont need to care about the Jacks of this country, our children! For our kids, we must keep America the Sanctuary it was made to be; Keep the USA safe for all who would be free of oppression, because what the USA allows, the rest of this world suffers under.
Since when did we decide it’s ok to let ANYONE defy the Rule of Law in our nation? Since when did we decide our Constitution and Amendments could be violated by our own leaders without punishment? How did it happen our Bill of Rights didn’t need to be enforced at the highest level? When did my little 4 year old Jack’s safety become less important than whether you, Congressman, stayed in office another term, because you’re too gutless to DEFEND THIS NATION against those who hate us in our OWN land, our own Capitol, our own Courts, our own Congress?!?

“Free JACK! Free JACK! Free JACK!”
Take up the call, say it with me,
Call every representative you have, every radio station, every news site! GO to Washington, proclaim it on your street corners, make signs, write it on your car windows…
…for my Jack, and YOURS.
Because I am a Christian, I trust in Jesus and actually am not afraid of what tomorrow brings. But I am afraid for America, concerned I will have to see starvation in this country, and I am afraid we may not be able to rescue our people from destruction.
Patrick J. Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.com