Americans are Less “Racially motivated” in the USA than any prior year in our history, as statistics show: https://www.facebook.com/prageru/videos/380661719468415/
Of course we KNOW there are NO “whites” and no “blacks”, that’s just a false narrative used to manipulate emotions and thereby control the outcome:
I’m not white and YOU who identify as “Black” actually aren’t: We’re ALL “colored people”, like the still popular DC Talk song points out…
Identifying anyone by the level of melanin in their skin, the curl of their hair, or any other feature, is ABSURD and God commands otherwise…
John 7:24 (KJV)
Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgment.
Judging “by outward appearance” is wrong, especially considering that God shows us in His Bible that we are ALL COUSINS; All related to ONE COMMON COUPLE!!!
See what’s in Genesis?
Genesis 3:20 (KJV)
And Adam called his wife’s name Eve; because she was the mother of all living.
#StoptheNonsense #WeAreAllFamily
Instead, we are to judge by actions and intent:
If you you even LOOK lustfully you are an adulterer! Now THAT is TRUE EQUALITY, as Jesus said it.
#JudgeRighteously #Grace #Mercy
All have sinned and come short of our Creator’s STANDARDS
God’s Grace provides Mercy to anyone, and, by His Law, Judgment TO EVERYONE, equally; Mercy ONLY through only what Jesus did to pay for our Law Violations, our “sins”. And the resultant Judgment, deserved by our breaking of His requirements (no lies, no stealing, no murdering, no lusting, no making false Gods, no dissing parents, etc.) Jesus paid for on the Cross.
#Heaven or #Hell ?
-C H O O S E-
But this false narrative of Race? Its B-O-G-U-S, only a canard; Racism is just another attempt to hide that We are all equally guilty and all in need of God’s one and only salvation through Jesus alone!
So, there is only one more question, isn’t there? Will you let Jesus save you, or will you continue slopping through lies, like Racism?
He is waiting for YOUR answer; If you refuse to choose you have chosen to reject Jesus.
Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves.org Ministries