India Needs Our Second Amendment, India Needs JESUS

Why do people in India commute SO FAR from their homes to work?

Why do people in India commute SO FAR from their homes to work? unsplash-logo
Is it because they cannot defend themselves from criminal elements in the cities? Is it because so much corruption exists with those who should be defending their God-remanded responsibility to protect their families, their communities, and themselves from Evil? Why does India BAN firearms, so evil can be done with machetes? Do they REALLY not know a man is REQUIRED by God to protect his family, police his neighborhood and protect the weak, WHEREVER he is???

India Needs Our Second Amendment

India needs to acknowledge God in their Constitution
India needs to, as a nation, embrace Jesus as their ONLY God, but still allow freedom of worship for others
India must say, “ONLY JESUS SAVES”, with every document they have established their nation

I could have believed anything I wanted, as that is the point

Now why do I say all this?
Is it because I was brought up that way? – No. My Dad was, and is still, as far as I know, an agnostic (Atheists don’t exist).
Is it because the USA is a Christian Nation? – No. It’s not because the USA was established by the Almighty as the sanctuary for CHRISTIANS to practice freely, without molestation, and as a base with which to send the Gospel of Jesus as LORD and Savior around the world. Freedom to Practice is a foundation of our nation. I know, I know, that seems to contradict with our core tenant of “ONLY JESUS SAVES” but this does not. Christianity is not a FORCED religion; Christianity ensures freedom of religion in America. Indeed, Christianity not a “religion” at all. There is “Christianity” in America but it is as FALSE as Islam.
No, I could have believed anything I wanted, as that is the point; I am a Christian because I believe God. That’s it. Proverbs 3:5-6 is the core tenant of my life.

So, when then do I say India Needs God and Guns? Because the self-defense part is obvious, and God blesses a nation and a people who acknowledge Him.

The Bible is the basis for all civilized culture
Do I say India should be free to Trust in Jesus and do what He says because of any outside influences? Well, Yes, because the Bible tells me so.
The Bible is the basis for all civilized culture, the only basis for morality: There is NO OTHER STANDARD. God’s own Words guide man in every endeavor, every rule, every ideal, or they defy God, and what He has said, in their dealings; The Bible is the Testament of what the Standard we defy or obey is: All are measured by God’s goodness.

Mark 10:18
And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? there is none good but one, that is, God.

So then why do the people in India put up with being forced to seperate from their families for months ata time, just so their children and wives can be reasonably safe? Do they have no desire to be free from oppression, whether from criminal or government caused duress? No, I have spoken to many, and their want for a free nation is great, but they need OUR help. Americans, and all freedom loving peoples, need to come to the aid of all who would be free.
Remember our motto emboldened on the Statue Liberty, given t us by a grateful France for freeing them from Hitler’s minions?

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
“Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!” cries she
With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

But more than just their personal freedom, the people of India need Jesus. They need to proolaim Him as Lord, embrace Jesus as Savior and Trust in the Sacrifice He made to rescue them from their Sin payment, as do us all. Is there ANY of us who do not need their Sins forgiven by a Just and LOVING God?
So then let us reach out to our friends from India and speak the Truth to them.

India managed to shake off the bonds of the British Imperialism, as we did, but they have allowed corrupt officials and an unreliable election process to replace the Brits and their brutality. We have the same issue in our nation, but we have many who hold our elected officials feet to the fire and stand on their necks should they not work diligently to keep America free. And that is the difference between India and the USA: GUN RIGHTS and Jesus. While, in India, all manner of foul deviance is embraced as a reasoned worship of whatever deity they can come up with. Here, in America, Jesus still reigns over the nation. Yes, we DO have MANY who reject Jesus for self-aggrandizement as well (even a recent fake president), but we deal with them eventually. JESUS IS LORD in the USA, still, Obama be damned.
So what am I saying can be done? Well, friends, what do you normally do in a corrupt government? You DEFY them in every legal way you can. And if that doesn’t work, well, you go to the same means India used on the British, and more if necessary. Call on us and we will help, as we always do those who desire freedom.
And to the Gospel of Jesus, GO PREACH, Christians! Yell it from the housetops, His Law and right to Judge; Every corner of India people should hear of Jesus Christ, and Him Crucified.


And, without a doubt, in every way, for every action, for every word spoken, PRAY for guidance, wisdom and effectiveness; Pray God’s WILL BE DONE OVER INDIA, every day, and act according to His will, and then watch Him move.

Patrick Burwell,