Healthcare or a Suffering Burden?

Healthcare or Burden?

He was suffering and they were also

I am going to say this as gently as I can:

Buried in medical debtAre you sure your death at home isn’t a better choice than burying your family under bills they cannot afford?

Wise, mature men and women should grasp this concept and help the younger see the hard truth; Staying alive any way you can is not always the best choice.
Friends of mine, Christians, performed hospice care at their home for a brother in Christ who realized he was terminally ill. He was in a hospital for long enough to recognize he was only killing his family’s future with his attempts to live beyond his time. He was suffering and they were also.

He came home to his brothers and sisters in Christ and asked them to ease his pain as he died. It was a STRUGGLE to get the Doctors to let him go. But, once the money grubbing medical industry released him he died gently only three days later, as everyone sang hymns to him, his wife holding his hands. They did not help him to die artificially, and they did not do so to keep him alive; They let the Creator decide his fate as he, our Christian friend dieing, asked them to (see?).

And there is the issue. Whom DO you trust?  You MUST decide. will explain.clesrly the real Gospel, of Jesus the Only Christ, and your unavoidable destiny, should you choose not to listen to God’s warning.

My friends, Christ is King, and if you are told this is your time then gently go home; Why burden your family beyond what they can afford in your rebellion?
I watched a very different example recently of a death of a believer who was terrified to die (he was unsure of his salvation but the day before he died we were able to right his fear); He really had racked up the bills,.though.
He still died but the doctors had made him linger for so long that he suffered terribly while a burden few could pay mounted. I am sure the doctors were thrilled.
Once he let go no intervention could keep him here, that was available; The time is coming when the medical industry can make you near immortal if you have the money. Those who do not just realize it’s a fool’s game.

Real Wisdom is called for here and YHWH is The Wisdom Himself. Let God, your Creator, tell you what is appropriate for your situation and NO ONE ELSE. But, understand, YHWH may just let you learn wisdom by making the hard choice for yourself. After all, He will need wise rulers in the New Millennium and the New Kingdom to Come and such a choice takes real maturity.
(In NO WAY are you allowed to KILL yourself. But forcing yourself to live may be just as great a sin.)

May you be at Peace in Yah’s Hands.

Patrick Burwell, OnlyJesusSaves org Author


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