Monday, March 31, 2008
Happy National Atheist’s Day
April 1st already. May God continue to richly bless each one of you with good health, long life, and may you come to a knowledge of Him whom to know is life eternal (see John 17:3).
For those atheists who have been quoting Matthew 5:21-23, please know that I would never call a Christian “brother” a fool (see the context). I do, however, side with God Himself when He calls the atheist a “fool” (see Psalm 14:1 and Romans 1:22). I have learned, through years of experience in dealing with drug addicts, that the way to reach them is not to argue with them about what they are doing, but to show them how stupid they are. They are not abusing drugs; they are using drugs to abuse themselves. The same applies with the stupidity of denying a Creator, with creation staring at you in the face. The atheist will only harm himself.
Many Christians think that it’s a waste of time to even try and reason with you. But the consequences of what you are doing are so fearful and our love for you is so great, that we will keep pleading with you in the hope that you come to your senses. Every now and then we get emails from atheists who have come to know the Lord. That is our reward. Jesus said that when even one sinner repents, it makes Heaven rejoice.

But why would anyone want to do that when your sins against Yahweh make you His enemy? We don’t need a works righteousness system that seeks to remedy a relationship with someone who does not exist? To be free of your law violations go to and see what God, Yahweh, requires to have your sins forgiven by Him.
It is always good to treat one’s elderly well, as the Bible already says. Thanks, but we don’t need the Koran.
Good day
“How do Muslims treat the elderly?”
In the Islamic world there are no old people’s homes. The strain of caring for one’s parents in this most difficult time of their lives is considered an honor and blessing, and an opportunity for great spiritual growth. God asks that we not only pray for our parents, but act with limitless compassion, remembering that when we were helpless children they preferred us to themselves. Mothers are particularly honored: the Prophet (SAW) taught that ‘Paradise lies at the feet of mothers’. When they reach old age, Muslim parents are treated mercifully, with the same kindness and selflessness.
In Islam, serving one’s parents is a duty second only to prayer, and it is their right to expect it. It is considered despicable to express any irritation when, through no fault of their own, the old become difficult.
The Quran says: Your Lord has commanded that you worship none but Him, and be kind to parents. If either or both of them reach old age with you, do not say ‘uff’ to them or chide them, but speak to them in terms of honor and kindness. Treat them with humility, and say, ‘My Lord! Have mercy on them, for they did care for me when I was little’. (17.23-4)