“Get a free room for the night!”

Detailed in an article from Yahoo!News a silly man in North Carolina actually tried to do what I’ve joked many times about as I handed out the most popular Gospel tract ever produced, “I’d love it if this was real!”, the recipient of the tract often says. To which I’d reply, “Go ahead and use it at Walmart! You’ll get a free room for the night!” Well that’s just what this fellow did in North Carolina as he tried to purchase over $450 in items, insisting the tract was real currency…

Cops: Man tried to use $1M bill at NC Walmart – Yahoo! News

1 Million Dollar Bill Tract at LivingWaters.com




1 Million Dollar Bill Back from LivingWaters.com

The 1 Million Dollar Bill from LivingWaters.com

I’ve used many tracts, even making our own so the contact information for the ministry is available. But no tract I have ever used has caused people to run after me for more but the 1 million Dollar Tract from LivingWaters.com.
The message on the back of the tract reads as follows:

The million dollar question: Will you go to Heaven when you die? Here’s a quick test. Have you ever told a lie, stolen anything, or used God’s name in vain? Jesus said, “Whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart.” Have you looked with lust? Will you be guilty on Judgment Day? If you have done those things, God sees you as a lying, thieving, blasphemous, adulterer at heart. The Bible warns that if you are guilty you will end up in Hell. That’s not God’s will. He sent His Son to suffer and die on the cross for you. You broke God’s Law, but Jesus paid your fine. That means He can legally dismiss your case. He can commute your death sentence: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Then He rose from the dead and defeated death. Please, repent (turn from sin) today and trust in Jesus alone, and God will grant you the gift of everlasting life. Then read your Bible daily and obey it.

If Michael Fuller had actually read the tract he might have found he held in his hand the Greatest treasure the world has ever known. The offer of eternal forgiveness and life with God in Heaven.

“Forgiveness?”, you might ask? “What do I have to be ‘forgiven’ of? I’m  a good person!” If you said that then you are a normal, by Biblical standards, “Every man will declare their own righteousness.”

You see, 160,000 people die every day. That’s more than 2 people every second. How many people have met their death unprepared? The Bible says it’s appointed for every man once to die and then they are judged. No delays, no waiting, immediate Judgment.

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