Nicholas Common – It would seem that Ray is trying to use everything atheist have told him over the years to show him how wrong his religion is. To make atheist look wrong. But he fails to understand that the term atheist only means that a person has no beliefs in a god…See More
Patrick Burwell – It seems Nicolas forgets that there is no such thing as not believing in something they fight so hard to prove does not exist. If it isn’t true WHY do you CARE? Dog eat dog, survival of the fittest right? You have no moral compass because evolution teaches brutal mass murder is ok. So you cannot possibly care.
Why does it bother you when someone believes in God, can see a Creator in Design? Why do you seem all-fired disturbed? You have ZERO basis for worrying if you are correct, if what you believe in is true (Yes , that’s right, you cannot avoid belief can you?).
See, Nicholas, it isn’t a matter of matter, or believing what you believe, but truly is about what is TRUE.
What is true is what you will face.
Live with Christians, and don’t care what they believe, live in complete contentment, if you know what you believe is true.
BUT, and this is the kicker, if you are SO bothered by Christians then you must freely admit you DON’T KNOW; That your FEAR is why you persist.
…and the Fear of God is the BEGINNING of becoming wise.
Patrick Burwell
Patrick Burwell – BTW, Nicholas, WE DO CARE, because God loves us. I don’t know you at all, but He does. And I love Him, so I tell you:Like · Remove Preview ·