"An evangelist that was threatened with arrest in Illinois for scaring the public with the message of the Gospel is continuing his legal battle against police in an effort to regain his right to preach on the public streets."
“They (Rock Island Police) said, ‘You’re not supposed to raise your voice or scare anybody and tell people they’re going to die.’ I said, ‘Well, what if that building’s on fire and I raise my voice and tell people if they don’t leave, they’re going to die? Is that wrong?'”
No, Stephen, not wrong at all.
The Gospel is a clear warning to ALL the world that FIRE is coming! That their personal doom is to face Hell and an Eternal Lake of Fire if they die still in their sin! Sin is the violation of God’s Law, the Ten Commandments. If you have ever lied, stolen or lusted then God judges you to be a lying, stealing, adulterer at heart, and you will have to Face Jesus on Judgment Day, where, He will pronounce His justice of Hell for your sins. But not ONLY does the Bible warn of Hell for the sinner, but the Bible says clearly this whole universe will burn: God will destroy all of it.
To tell this Preacher he cannot warn people of Destruction is, well…. Insanity.
To understand why you deserve Hell and what you can do to be rescued go to…
Time to turn is fast running out. Are you ready to face Jesus?
Are YOU good enough?
Patrick Burwell